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Naruto 506 Raw Spoilers and Predictions

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Naruto 506

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506: Guy vs Kisame

Guy doesn't know who [Kisame] is.
Various gags are made by B, the retainer [Motoi?], and the Konoha people.

The story of how Samehada went to B.
Kisame uses this oppertunity to go into the water.

"Notice B! Eat his chakra."
B collapses.

Someone from Konoha: Secret Technique Stone Needle!
Guy covers: Leaf Whirlwind!!
Kisame: Water Release: Water Shark Missile Technique!

Guy collapses too: I will put a stop to this!
Eight Gates Released Formation! Sixth gate, Gate of Brightness... Open!!

Kisame uses this oppertunity to run away.

B's hand has become big. Guy is picked up by this hand and is thrown away.
B collapses.: I'm out of chakra. I'll recover with a little rest~♪

Naruto twists his foot. Yamato makes a splint for him.

Guy: Mid-air Summoning Technique! He borrows the back of a turtle and jumps again.

Kisame: Summoning Technique!! A shark comes out.
There Guy appears.
Kisame makes the shark swallow a scroll with information.

Kisame: Water Release: A Thousand Feeding Sharks!! Many sharks come in like a tsunami...

Guy: Morning Peacock!!

The shark tsunami unravels, the many sharks makes it impossible to see which one the scroll shark is.

Guy: Seventh gate, Gate of Fright... Open!!
Kisame: Water Release: Great Shark Missile Technique!!
Guy: Noon Tiger!!
Guy fights hard, ready to die!! Next issue, the conclusion!!
another translation:

506 Gai vs Kisame

Gai has no idea who it (the cockroach) is.
Bee, an attendant (motoi?), a konoha guy(aoba?) talk of many things, throwing jokes.

Samehada goes up to bee to talk.
Kisame seize the opportunity to take water

'bee, see! Your chakra is taken'
Bee slumps

The one from Konoha (aoba?) goes hi-jutsu (secret art), seki-sin(stone needle) !
Gai in support, goes konoha sen-poo(whirlwind)!!
Kisame goes suiton mizu-zame-dan (water release, the water shark bullet) no jutsu!

Gai although falling down–'i'll stop this!'
Hachi-mon(eight gates) tonko! The 6th, Kei-mon (de-light gate)... open!!

Kisame takes the chance to run away
Bees hand gets huge and gai steps onto it to let it fly himself.
Bee falls short of chakra- should be restored after a short break♪

Naruto got the leg twisted and has yamato splinting it.
Gai, kuchiyose no jutsu in the air! On the back of the turtle he flies again.

Kisame, kuchiyose no jutsu!! A shark is summoned.
Here, Gai comes in
Kisame makes the summoned shark gulp down a scroll of update

Kisame @suiton senguizame(thousand biting?shark)!! lots of sharks surge like a tsunami
Gai @asa-kujyaku(the morn peacock!!)

Although the tidal wave of sharks scatters, they are so many that the scroll shark can't be spotted.
gai @dainana kyo-mon (the seventh, wonder gate)!!

kisame @suiton daisamedan no jutsu(water release, the art of giant shark bullet) !!
gai @ hirudora(daylight tiger/afternoon soap opera (homophone)!!
Gai fighting hard, at the risk of his life!! To be settled in the Next chap!!

506: Gai vs Kisame

Kisame gets blown off, Bee reveals that he is a spy from Akatsuki.
Samehada separates from Kisame and sticks to Bee and tries to merge with him and forge an understanding with him (Samehada just goes "Gigigi..")

Kisame is a little shaky after being separated from Samehada. He escapes into the water and grabs Samehada's tail and uses it to suck Bee's chakra.
The rest realise this and try to intervene, but Kisame has already returned to his original form.

The subordinate (TN: Konoha guy?) uses Hijutsu: Ishihari (secret technique: stone needles), throwing a kunai attached by a string of sorts to try and block off the flow of chakra, but instead gets his chakra sapped too.

Guy brings a rain of kicks down on Kisame but Kisame manages to use Suikoudan no Jutsu (water shark bullets) to create an opening for himself to escape.

After being told by Bee's friend that once Kisame leaves the barrier they won't be able to sense him, Guy opens the Keimon (6th gate) of his 8 inner gates. (Spoiler provider says s/he isn't very sure but at this point, all the gorillas in the forest are shocked by it, lol)

Bee transforms his arm into his Hachibi form and throws Guy, who has opened the Keimon, in the direction where Kisame escaped to.

Bee is giddy after having his chakra sapped, and he collapses, but says that he'll be back in a jiffy.

Naruto and Yamato are still in the waterfall. Yamato makes a splint for Naruto who has sprained his ankle.

Guy has been thrown and does a Kuchiyose mid-air and calls forth his turtle, and uses the turtle's back as a stepping stone to leap towards Kisame.

Kisame gives a scroll containing information to a shark he had summoned by Kuchiyose no Jutsu.

In order to let the shark escape, he uses Suiton: Senshokuzame (thousand feeding sharks) to call forth a large number of sharks, and lets the original shark slip into their midst.

Guy says that he can't let it get away, so he uses Asajukaku (morning peacock), a flurry of punches with his fist (a taijutsu wherein the speed with which his fists are moving creates friction with the air and creates sparks so when he hits the air he can send a shock wave of fire towards the enemy), to get rid of the sharks, but there are too many of them left in the water so he decides that he needs to attack on a greater scope and opens the Kyoumon (7th gate).

Seeing this, Kisame says that although this is the 3rd time he's seeing this, it's rare to see a shinobi this strong in taijutsu, and that Guy is truly like a rare animal.

Guy says that the next jutsu will not be able to compare to the previous one, because this one will be a 1-hit-k.o. The blue chakra surrounding him pushes away the water.

The chapter ends with Kisame using Suikoudan no Jutsu and Guy releasing his Hirutora (noon tiger).
Please check out Bleach and One Piece Colored Fan Arts
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by: Silverblade VI
(double prediction treat)

Naruto 506 Prediction
Also read his next chapter (Naruto 507) prediction

Guy: What the hell is that?!!
Kisame: That green beast. Dammit.

Killerbee: Yo Fish face. This time you gonna become fish paste.
Kisame: Argh.... Your rhymes are irritating me. Kisame fuses with Samehada again.
Kisame then makes some handseals and enters a level 2 stage of Samehada. He becomes a more larger grotesque shark.

Guy: What the hell?
Killerbee: Damn yo. Thats an ugly shark.
Motoi: It's hideous.

Several ninja are alerted..
C: Its that guy from Akatsuki again. I thought the Raikage and Bee took care of him.
Darui: It was probably a clone. Lets go.

-Scene switches to Naruto-

Naruto goes into sage mode and breaks the wall so his foot can get free.
Naruto darts out of the cavern and winds up outside.
Naruto: What the?

Kisame: Two Jinchuuriki. Things shall get interesting.
Kisame slams his tail fin onto the terrain and a huge wave of water comes from behind.

Naruto: Fuuton: Dividing Blow Technique.
Naruto thrusts his palms forth and a burst of wind erupts from his palms that knocks back the water into the ocean.

Kisame: WHAT THE?!!!

Guy: !!! *Naruto.*
Killerbee: This is one bad host. This guy is now toast.
Naruto: You fight me.

Zetsu watches from a tree. This is bad... Kisame needs help.
Dark Zetsu: Lets tell Madara.

Naruto 507: Naruto vs Kisame
Please read continuation Naruto 507
by: The Egyptian

Naruto 506: Kisame's Final Stand!!!

Yamato: Oh My Naruto!! What Happened !! Did you teleport when attacking Kisame? I didnt even notice you Move until you had landed your attack!!
Naruto: No that was pure speed, Ahh man I cant believe how fast I am!!! Its going to take time to get used to this!!.

Yamato: Dont worry let me help you out of there!
Naruto: No need, ( Naruto then moves and strikes the ground with his hand to try and create a bigger opening for his trapped leg, but only results in getting his arm stuck in the wall too!!)

Yamato: Naruto!! Enough your just giving me a bigger task to get you out!!!

Meanwhile at the waterfall!!

Gai: The Springtime of Youth will destroy the inner Bug inside of me!! HIIYAAAA ( Gai does a Flying Kick to the Face of Kisame and knocks him back inside the waterfall, As Kisame Flys back, Bee Notice's this and takes advantage of this by Slamming Kisame onto the ground)

Kisame:( Oh man I have Konoha's Dumb Beast and now the 8tails, I have no choice but to face them!! But I will be done for If Naruto comes free from the wall!!)

Bee stands ready for Battle when he is interrupted!!
DYNAMIC ENTRY!!! ( Gai flies in through the waterfall to meet his foe!!) as well as the Thunder village nins entering behind Gai emabarrased, that they had to follow such a foolish entry!!

Gai: Stand Back 8tails, I must defeat the inner demon inside my self!! It is a horrible example of my true self and must be defeated!!
Bee: HUH?? what you talkin bout foo!! this is Kisame , a member of Akatsuki !!

Kisame: Still Dumber then ever I see! ( I need to make this quick) ( Kisame then proceeds to erupt from his sword getting Samehada and then merging with the sword once again like when he had faced Bee)

Gai: My goodness My inner darkness has many different shapes, Now I look like an Evil Shark!! It seems the direct opposite to my springtime of Youth is an Ugly Shark!!

Bee: Stay back everyone he is more dangerous like this!!BUT I gotta say, I am gonna love this rematch!!

(This is just a funny prediction that I hope happens similiar to this!! I am glad Gai could put some comedy into this after the emotional conversation Naruto had with his mother!! Good switch up Kishi make us Cry then make us Laugh, GOTTA LOVE IT!!)
by: The Special One

Naruto 506: Gai vs. Kisame, an Aura of Beastly Masculinity Erupts!

(The scene starts off with Yamato using his coiling tree trunk to pull Naruto out of the wall. Naruto lands on his feet once pulled out as Yamato withdraws his newly advanced Mokuton back into his body. Once it withdraws, Yamato stares at his own hand.)

Yamato (in thought): “Even my own powers have been augmented from being around him. I’m still not quite close to the 1st, but I’ve never felt closer to wielding the power of a legend. What a power Naruto has come into.”

(Naruto faces Yamato.)
Naruto: “Captain, I’m outta here.”
Yamato: “WAIT NARUTO!”
Naruto: “WHAT NOW! Killer Bee needs me.”
Yamato: “Killer Bee can probably handle himself; he has experience in fighting that Akatuski, besides there is also someone here that also has experience fighting him.

(Naruto scratches his face, thinking.)
Might Gai.”
Naruto: “Oh yeah, I do remember Neji and ‘em talking about something like that.”

Yamato: “Considering that he was hiding and lying in wait, it is unlikely that he can win straight up against all of us. You exposed him, the spy, foiling his plan, now, let the others handle him. And of course, I have something to say about your powers.”
Naruto: “What?”

Yamato: “I’m saying Naruto, it might be wise to get more accustomed to your powers, given that you have an opportunity like this.”
Naruto: “Do you see me? I’m fine as is.”

Yamato: “That attack you did.” (Naruto is taken off guard by Yamato remarks and remembers his foot being lodged into the wall. Naruto snaps back to reality.)
Naruto: “Oh yeah, that. Ha, ha…”

Yamato: “Nothing serious, but with powers like yours, it’s best to be a bit cautious. If you can control your chakra better, you won’t over shoot your mark or exert more force on your body than necessary. (Yamato then smirks) Besides, sticking around you, I feel as though my own powers have grown. (Naruto has an astounded look on his face) You’ve really come into your own Naruto, I’m proud.”

Naruto: “Well…”

Yamato: “First you needed me to control the Kyuubi’s chakra, but now, I need you for my own benefit. Naruto, with powers like ours, do you have any idea the kind of impact we can have on the field? With your might and my enhanced ability to subdue the Bijuu’s powers, the two of us can be major playing cards for the allied nations. We discovered an answer for the Bijuu. That’s why, we need to do our part and prepare.” (Yamato and Naruto both smile at each other.)

Naruto: “I’ll protect everyone! I still haven’t forgotten what I set out to do. That’s why I came here to get stronger.”
Yamato: (in thought) “Now, just to convince those Kages…”

(Yamato puts out his fist, expecting a fist bump in return. Naruto is weird about it.)
Yamato: “So yeah… Let’s do it.”
Naruto: “I’m not sure. I mean, are you cool enough?” (Yamato makes the shit-faced look while he yells at Naruto.)
Yamato: “IDIOT! I WANNA FEEL COOL TOO!” (Naruto bursts out in laugher while pointing at Yamato.)
Naruto: “Ha, ha, ha, ha…”

Yamato: “HEY, WHAT’S SO FUNNY!? KILLER BEE DOESN’T HAVE TO KNOW!” (The scene switches over to outside the waterfall. A huge fire ball like explosion erupts near the entrance, but an equally powerful suiton cancels it out. Aoba, Gai, Motoi, and Bee backs out of the smoke and steam.)

Aoba: “Ahh, he’s a Suiton user.”
Killer Bee: “I could’ve told you that, idiot.”
Motoi: “You fought him Bee?”

(The smoke clears as Kisame is now present, he is now in the form he used to overtake Killer Bee in their previous fight.)
Aoba “What the hell is that?” (Gai has a woozy look on his face, he grabs his mouth and burps.)
Gai: “Gross.”
Motoi: “Oh man…”

Killer Bee: “Move, I’m about to get my grove on, get gone!” (Killer Bee withdraws his two short-swords from sheathes on his back. Kisame then speaks from a distance.)

Kisame: “Oh, ho, ho, ho… It seems the Kyuubi-kid isn’t going to join in. That’s fine with me. After I’m done with you four, I’ll have plenty enough chakra to take the Kyuubi host with me as well as your hide, Hachibi. Besides, now that I'm out here, there's no way you can escape my prison.” (Killer Bee grinds his teeth he moves forward as Gai places his hand in front of Killer Bee.)

Killer Bee: “Get dat shit out of here.”
Gai: “Let me.”
Killer Bee: “No way dude, that guy gulps down more chakra than a clown can waste whiskey.”

Gai: “That’s why I need to fight him! I only use Taijutsu, stealing my chakra isn’t going to be an easy thing to do. Besides, real men fight with their fists. (Tears start rolling down Gai’s cheek.) Mr. BEE. You have to see me fight. It’s a spectacle among the manliest of men! I need to have a fight like this, before I get too OLD and regret not doing so before! I WANT TO LIVE OUT THE LAST DAYS OF MY YOUTH IN THE MOST PUREST DISPLAY OF AFFECTION FOR THE ART!” (Killer Bee’s eyes tear up as well.)

Killer Bee: *Sniff* I feel ya dog… *Sniff* Do your thing… Go wing it…”

(Kisame in the distance is annoyed.)
Kisame (in thought): “These mongrels.” (Back to the party.)
Aoba (in thought): “WTF?”

Motoi: “I guess there are more people who gets to Bee than I thought.”
Killer Bee: “Motoi dude, get out of here, you two shades! Tell everyone to evacuate!”
Aoba: “Looks like we aren’t needed.” (Motoi grabs Aoba and runs away with him.)

(Meanwhile, Gai launches forward. Immediately, Kisame expels large amounts of water from his gullet.)

Kisame (In thought): “Great Exploding Water Collision Waves.” (Before Gai can close the gap, he along with Bee, are swept along in the water… About a quarter of the island is than engulfed in a huge sphere of water. Killer Bee, somewhere among the vast water, goes into thought.)

Killer Bee (in thought): “I hope they get everyone out in time. As long as that fish face is on our case, he won’t have time to make chase for the others.” (The scene switches over Gai and Kisame. Kisame swims forward and attempts to cut Gai’s face with the arching blade on his arm right arm. Gai dodges by moving to the side, as Kisame bypasses him. Gai, however, has a small laceration on his face, apparently, he didn’t evade properly. Gai rubs his face.)

Gai (in thought): “Not good, he’s right at home here.” (As Gai turns around and notices the Kisame is swimming back towards his location. Kisame attempts to attack him with the huge arching blade that stretches from its head down his back side. As Kisame gets within range, he changes the angle of his attack, and dips downward, exposing the more potent edge of his blade. Gai is cut down his chest, however, it isn’t life threatening. Gai, before Kisame can change his position, grabs his tail.)

Kisame: (in thought): “What!”

Gai: “*gargle, gargle*.” (Gai throws Kisame upwards as Kisame is disoriented, Gai swims up, positions his body so that he can do an upwards kick, then plants his foot on Kisame’s face, sending him further upwards.)

Kisame: “AHHHHH!” (Gai rubs his bleeding chest.)

Gai (in thought): “I’m losing too much blood. And I’m running short of breath. I guess it’s time. Time to show him my-“

Gai: “YOUTH!” (Gai then performs an x-block over his face. Kisame notices that chakra is rising from Gai’s position.)

Kisame (in thought): “The gates… He’s opening them.”

(Kisame swims downwards at fast speeds, moving against the current of overflowing chakra. Kisame attempts to reach Gai. Gai then pulls his arms apart, and enters the 6th gate, the over flowing power parts the water and sends Kisame falling to the ground because the water is being parted. Gai uses this opportunity to quickly use his speed to exit through the opening before Kisame can follow, and before the water fills in the gab. The scene switches over to Killer Bee, who stands outside the sphere of water, apparently, he’s watching the fight.)

Killer Bee: “Busy with him, he forgot about me… Hmm, what should I do?”

Next Time: Gai and Kisame continues their brutal struggle, does Killer Bee interfere?
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