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Naruto 485 - Sacrificial Pawn Editions

Team 7 reunited again. What an epic meeting! I love this chapter very much. By the way, here come a very first Naruto 485 prediction cursive by Jeanericuser. I can't even wait to feature the next chapter which will be release on next Thursday. The title for this prediction is Sacrificial Pawn. I will updates

Naruto 485 RAW

Get stylish naruto 485 spoiler pics and summaries here. Naruto chapter 485 manga spoiler will be liberated on tuesday night or wednesday morning. Now, what can you say about the next naruto 485 chapter? where will it go from there? see liberated to discuss it here. And also every your prediction for the upcoming

Naruto 485 - A Step Between One and Perditions

Naruto 485 A Step Between One and Perdition is the latest Naruto manga prediction wrote by Numinous. Finally, Naruto arrive at the bridge. What will he move now? I think incoming chapter will become the most elating part of the manga since we will watch Naruto Sage Mode vs Sasuke match. Keep coming for

Naruto 485 -Team 7 Reunited aditions

Naruto 485 Team 7 Reunited chapter predictions starts with conversation between Naruto and Sasuke. Sasuke revealed the secret behind Uchiha Clan massacre. Everyone shocked except Kakashi. The scene then changed to Madara talking to Zetsu. Zetsu informed Madara about Kisame's death.

Download Naruto Manga 484 - Team Seven!

Read online or Download Naruto Manga Chapter 484 now, You will read the most useful story ever. Naruto, Sakura, Sasuke and Kakashi in reunion. What will happen next? and what Naruto will said to Sasuke? Check it on Naruto Manga Chapter 485.

Team Seven is assembled again and What naruto Answers?

Now you can download Naruto 484 here

Naruto Chapter 481 Spoilers : Danzou Dies

481: Danzou Dies

Part 1

The lid is a young Mitokado Homura, Hiruzen Sarutobi, Koharu Utatane, Akimichi Torifu, Shimura Danza, and Kagami Uchiha

Memories are ressurected, comrades, who fought for the duty Hokage ... Shinobi Danza time of death.

Sasuke ... Karin pierced!

Madara: (It seems you do not hit time to ingest the Izanagi Danzōicon ...

Karin (Sasuke. you ... ..) \"I. ..\"

Sasuke, \"Karin ...\" When You were taken hostage, you embellish a burden \"

Karin collapse

Danza walks a bit, but then drops to his knees

Madara: \"I'll be taking in the eyes of Shisui ago\"

Danza Thinks back to the task, when he was young

\"We are in the middle is a twenty-five ... Enemies ... .... Their ability to
follow us, I'd say ... Kumogakure ... Skilled Kinkaku Force ¹?

Homura: \"Counting Nidaime-sama, we hit seven. ... This is intense ...\"

\"The enemy is not yet clear to us is located. We could ambush them here.
If we take them as a surprise, we could create out of the ... \"

\"Impossible ... so in this case, we hit no other choice than to send
someone to create addiction and to attract their attention ... \"

Torifu: \"... decoys ...? Who would hit ...\"

Nidaime: \"...\"

(I'm Shinobi Shinobi ... Like, I should be okay and deaths
Battlefield ...! Sarutobi ... What are you intellection correct now? Are you
prepared for this ...?)

Danza trembles

Danza: (Say it! \"Say it! I. .. Why?\" Why can not I say, \"I'll do it \"...?)

Hiruzen: \"I'll do it\"

Everyone: \"!!?\"

Akimichi, \"Sarutobi ...\"

Homura \"Hiruzen ... You ...\"

Danza: \"...\" (His tremor subsides)

\"Heh!\" Do not worry! Even if you're hunting at me same that, I can still
Brag that I am the best of you every ... I am not going to die '

Danza (Dammit. .. I'm weak ... what I think is ...? \"Right now, I was relieved ...)

Danza balls in his fists

Hiruzen: \"You'll Owe Me One, after every this. Danzon, your case\"

Danza: \"Shut up!\" I hit to improve my hand! \"I will not permit you be the only cool one! I'll be tempted to birds!\"

Hiruzen \"Danza ...\"

Danza: \"Both my father and my grandfather died of Battlefield's Shinobi! Sacrificing himself in order to Shinobi obligation ...!!\"

\"Of course, I'll be going as decoys ... you ... then
you will of a young Fire \", which protects the village\"

Danza: \"No way!\" You're Hokage! Shinobi is not above the village for you! \"

\"Danzig. You're ever up to something in competition with the Monkey, the correct ...
But in this place, it's you two to work together
comrades. Put aside your possess battles, HM \"

Danza show-down: \"...\"

¹ Kinkaku (金 角 picture effectuation \"Golden Horn.\" It is ostensibly the name of a famous character in the story \"Journey to the West.\"

Naruto Chapter 483 - Kakashi vs Sasuke

Naruto Manga 482 or you can read naruto manga 482 online. On chapter 482 Sakura has been founded Sasuke. What's will happen next?

Akastsuki Pein Wallpapers

spirapride feature :Yes its d mysterious cheater of the Akastsuki, Pein...I ve been keeping up with d manga so i cant feature such else but he belong to d Amegakure village of fall and he single handly killed Hanzo...a renowned shinonbi who defeat d 3 Legendary Saninns XD..

Started d sketch this farewell but didnt touch it till d afternoon.. and finish d coloring by 8 ..if i woulda guess its 3-4 hrs..

well school has commence but due to several hurricane threats its been on and off...(hopefully there wont be anymore coming this year )..during d instance off i actually woman school and it okay...still have lots of homework to keep up with :busy:

Done in Photoshop CS with Wacom tablet

P.S. this is actually d unfinished planning t put d other akatsuki memeber soo keep cheking it out..and sorry for not being able to respond to ur commet ..sorry and thanks for them and all d favs..

Download Naruto Chapter 483 - Kakashi vs Sasuke

Naruto Chapter 483 is ready, enjoy Kakashi vs Sasuke... what and who will be beat or beaten? Read Online Naruto Chapter 483 or directly download on ID-Naruto.

Enjoy and we hope we can give me much faster on Naruto 484 update soon

Download Naruto Manga 482

Download Naruto Manga 482 or you can read naruto manga 482 online. On chapter 482 Sakura has been founded Sasuke. What's will happen next?

Download Naruto 482 now

Who's Stronger Between Naruto And Sasuke,,(Naruto)

One of the favorite topics of debate for Naruto fans is the concern of who the stronger one is; Naruto or Sasuke. Now, as you may know, Naruto and Sasuke are rivals. Naruto is the orphan boy who has never had a family and Sasuke is the orphan boy who saw his whole family murdered by none other than his possess brother. Naruto was shunned and looked down upon by the villagers because he was the vessel for the Kyuubi, the monster that wreaked havoc upon Konoha 12 years prior. All Naruto wants is for people to pass him. Sasuke, on the other hand, belongs to the Uchiha clan, the strongest and most prestigious clan in Konoha.

Naruto would do anything to hit what Sasuke so haphazardly throws away; the knowledge of the villagers and the love of Haruno Sakura. Sasuke is everything that Naruto is not; he is handsome, well respected, and intelligent to the saucer of existence a genius, coercive without even lifting a finger. Sasuke is the rattling image of perfection. But unlike Naruto, Sasuke is cold, aloof, and uncaring. He is arrogant and too obsessed with the time and the tattered aristocracy of his dead clan. He is azygos minded, so unvoluntary by the intellection of revenge that he takes for granted everything he has left. And that is what Naruto cannot accept. Naruto cannot see ground Sasuke cannot see what he has correct in front of him. Naruto cannot see ground Sasuke is never contented. As the series progresses, Naruto becomes stronger and he starts catching up. And this is what Sasuke cannot accept. He cannot see ground someone same Naruto who was dull and did not hit a kekkei genkai could be so strong. He cannot see ground Itachi would be more interested in Naruto rather than him. Of course, Sasuke did not undergo most the Kyuubi backwards then.
And so they hit a rivalry and it's the age old debate between which would win: power and knowledge or power and intelligence.


Of course, power and knowledge refers to Naruto. Naruto is pure determination. He might not be the brightest pea in the pod, but he sure is the most persevering. What he lacks in intelligence, he more than makes up for in raw power. Of course, Naruto owes his strength to the Kyuubi who lends him a Brobdingnagian amount of chakra and stamina and this is a Brobdingnagian advantage in fights.


Sasuke, on the other hand is power and intelligence. He wields the Sharingan; the strongest doujutsu in Konoha. He is fast and powerful. And though he might not hit as much stamina as Naruto does, he makes up for it with his ingenious strategies and techniques. Like Naruto, Sasuke is determined. But his determination is directed at all the wrong things.

Who is stronger?

So, in the end, who is stronger? Naruto who has his raw strength or Sasuke who has ingenious strategies? Perhaps the answer could be found if they fought. And fight they did. In the valley of the end, Naruto and Sasuke had a definitive fight. It was a grueling fight. They both had equal power ups, Naruto with his Kyuubi stage 2 and Sasuke with his Curse Seal 2. It was an extremely close fight but in the end, it was Sasuke who won. However, let's not forget that Naruto only had a few tails out then from the Kyuubi and he's still got up to 9 tails to go in cost of just Kyuubi's side of power. Besides powers from Kyuubi, Naruto has been constantly been training rattling brutally in the Naruto Shippuden series and now in Kakashi's possess words \"surpass\" Akatsuki members by himself. Although Sasuke is more coercive then Naruto, in Shippuden if they were to hit a fight today it's thickened to say that Sasuke would be close to winning the fight. On the other hand we would expect Naruto to win, although by not much.

Henry Hsieh has multiple interests and he enjoys talking most them. As a follower of anime, he likes to watch Naruto, handle them in Naruto Forums, and listen to Naruto Mp3 at tailedfox, the best Naruto site with the newest Naruto Shippuden Episodes out first.

Which Girls Would Naruto End Up With..(Naruto)

It's always amazing to wager how such people can get riled up over Naruto's fuck life. Indeed, Naruto's fuck life is the subject of some debates and burning wars in the internet. Either way, we can't deny the fact that the whole 'romance' aspect of the copal makes it more interesting. And, since Naruto's the important case he has to end up with someone, right?

There are two girls in the program who posses the existence of ending up with Naruto. Unless, the communicator Kishimoto throws in a newborn female case onto the mix.

Haruno Sakura

Sakura is and has always been Naruto's crush, even from the beginning of the series. Although she is Naruto's teammate but she wasn't not necessarily his friend at the beginning of team Kakashi. In fact, Sakura displayed a lot of hostility towards Naruto in the beginning of the series, owing perhaps to Naruto's reputation as the academy's 'deadlast'. However, she warms up to him as the program progresses and starts to tending for him as a friend. Sure, if you look at it this way, these two seem same they're headed for the blessed matrimony. Naruto's the important phallic case and Sakura's the important female case and they would probably end up together, right? Wrong. Things aren't that simple.

Ir'a given fact that Naruto has a crush on Sakura, but Sakura is in fuck with Sasuke instead; Naruto's direct rival. He is everything he is not since start. As a genius, Sasuke is also good looking, and coercive without even trying. Sasuke does not blatantly convey her affections but there are little clues in the program where you'll wager that these two; Sakura and Sasuke definitely have something together. In fact, Sakura and Sasuke's relation is digit of the most romantically developed in the copal what with the hug in the forest of death where it is only through Sakura's hug that Sasuke, possessed by the cursed seal, comes to his senses. There's also Sasuke's acknowledgement that Sakura is digit of his 'precious persons'. And then there's this huge matter of Sakura's confession of love, true 'I'll-sacrifice-everything-for-you' love. And though Sasuke knocked her out, he does leave her with a thank you which is enigmatic and poignant.

Until now, even with Sasuke's defection, he is ease the biggest hindrance to any existence of Naruto and Sakura getting together since Sakura obviously ease loves Sasuke and there are always these tiny clues that he might fuck her back. All it takes for them to get together is for Sasuke to finish with his goals and have time to 'restore his clan'.

And though Sakura is warming up to Naruto, it mostly seems same friendship and not 'romance'. Sakura loves Naruto but only as a friend it seems same moving forth even at Naruto Shippuden. All of Naruto's advances seems to change as Sakura rejected him softly without such emotion.

Hyuuga Hinata

Then there's Hinata. Hinata is a shy girl who, unlike all the other academy girls, had a crush on Naruto since the very beginning. She never looked down on Naruto although she is artefact smarter then Naruto. On the contrary, the crush she has on Naruto is so huge that she faints whenever she's on a close proximity to Naruto.

Unbeknownst to Naruto, she is digit of the first people who have ever acknowledged him besides Sasuke. Hinata admires him for his courage, strength, determination, and confidence. These are qualities completely opposite of her that she lacks greatly of. Naruto inspires her to be more than she is and it always pushes Hinata to be a better person

Naruto and Hinata have their moments. The most important digit is probably the 'blood oath'. And all throughout the anime, Kishimoto inserts fluffy Naruhina scenes, especially in Shippuden. In my opinion, all it takes for them to get together is a confession of some sort such as Hinata finally gathering sufficiency courage (which fits well with her theme) to achievement up to Naruto and tell him she loves him.

My verdict: Naruto will probably end up with Hinata and Sasuke will end up with Sakura.

Henry Hsieh has binary interests and he enjoys talking about them. As a follower of anime, he likes to watch Naruto, discuss them in Naruto Forums, and listen to Naruto Mp3 at tailedfox the best Naruto site with the newest Naruto Shippuden Episodes discover first.

5 Steps to Become the Hokage

Achieved after graduating from the ninja academy by act a headband which symbolizes their respective village. The ninja's chronicle begins here as they are exposed to assorted levels of mission and apply their jutsus during battles. Ninjas are wait to perform D surpass jutsus same simple replication technique.


After a some missions, the students would enter into the chuunin exams divided into 3 stages ; binary pick test, forest of death and sudden death competition to complete the whole exam.

The exams are slightly assorted to genin as the ninjas hit to impact together in visit to accomplish their common goal.For instance, in Forest of Death, both Sasuke and Naruto compounded their efforts to overcome a group of ninja from the rain community to gather digit of the scrolls required in the mission.

The exam also test the ninja's ability to make the right decisions and employed as a team.


The jounins ordinarily perform B surpass jutsus and hit the responsibility to protect the community as a whole. They also hit to seek new missions and advance their own team same for example, Kakashi of Team 7, Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura. Some jounins tend to participate in specialized jounins or ANBU which is a group that conduct top secret missions and must conceal their genuine indistinguishability from the other ninjas.


The highest ranking ninja in the Naruto world. Ultimately posses all the surpass jutsus from A to S but more commonly posses the A surpass and S surpass jutsus also famous as kinjutsus or \"forbidden\" jutsus which cause harm to the user. The most notable warning is the sealing jutsu performed by the fourth hokage in sealing the kyuubi into Naruto's body. Other examples are Naruto's ability to perform kage bunshins and the maledict seal technique performed by Sasuke.

Also famous as digit of the most coercive ninja in digit of the 5 coercive countries ; Konohagakure ( Hokage ), Sunagakure ( Kazekage ), Kirigakure ( Mizukage ), Kumogakure ( Raikage ) and Iwagakure ( Tsuchikage ).

The leader of the ninja society, treated as being coequal with the rulers of their country, oversees the activities of their villages, sometimes enquire with the higher ups people, sending and allocate teams into missions and making decisions regarding the safety of the village.

But what's the bigger picture for the community ?

Only a some elite ninjas achieve the ultimate function along with equipping coercive jutsus, bloodline limits and forbidden techniques. But being at the highest level same for instance, the hokage is not just most having knowledge on all types of jutsu as Sarutobi, the third hokage once emphasized that being the hokage is most relentless determination and selection to sacrifice for others to transfer on to the newer and ever stronger generations.

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Download Naruto Manga Chapter 481

Download and Read Online Naruto Manga Chapter 481, on this chapter some flashback about Danzou and the Danzou defeat by Sasuke. On this chapter too, Sakura Team has been found where are Sasuke

Sasuke Next Target is Konoha... what will happen next? Download naruto 481

Naruto Chapter 481 Spoilers: Danzou Dies


481: Danzou Dies

Part 1

The lid is a young Mitokado Homura, Hiruzen Sarutobi, Koharu Utatane, Akimichi Torifu, Shimura Danza, and Kagami Uchiha

Memories are ressurected, comrades, who fought for the office Hokage ... Shinobi Danza time of death.

Sasuke ... Karin pierced!

Madara: (It seems you do not have time to use the Izanagi Danzōicon ...

Karin (Sasuke. you ... ..) "I. .."

Sasuke, "Karin ..." When You were taken hostage, you become a burden "

Karin collapse

Danza walks a bit, but then drops to his knees

Madara: "I'll be taking in the eyes of Shisui ago"

Danza Thinks back to the task, when he was young

"We are in the middle is a twenty-five ... Enemies ... .... Their ability to
follow us, I'd say ... Kumogakure ... Skilled Kinkaku Force ¹?

Homura: "Counting Nidaime-sama, we have seven. ... This is terrible ..."

"The enemy is not yet clear to us is located. We could ambush them here.
If we take them as a surprise, we could create out of the ... "

"Impossible ... so in this case, we have no other choice than to send
someone to create addiction and to attract their attention ... "

Torifu: "... decoys ...? Who would have ..."

Nidaime: "..."

(I'm Shinobi Shinobi ... Like, I should be okay and deaths
Battlefield ...! Sarutobi ... What are you thinking right now? Are you
prepared for this ...?)

Danza trembles

Danza: (Say it! "Say it! I. .. Why?" Why can not I say, "I'll do it "...?)

Hiruzen: "I'll do it"

Everyone: "!!?"

Akimichi, "Sarutobi ..."

Homura "Hiruzen ... You ..."

Danza: "..." (His tremor subsides)

"Heh!" Do not worry! Even if you're looking at me like that, I can still
Brag that I am the best of you all ... I am not going to die '

Danza (Dammit. .. I'm weak ... what I think is ...? "Right now, I was relieved ...)

Danza balls in his fists

Hiruzen: "You'll Owe Me One, after all this. Danzon, your case"

Danza: "Shut up!" I have to raise my hand! "I will not let you be the only cool one! I'll be tempted to birds!"

Hiruzen "Danza ..."

Danza: "Both my father and my grandfather died of Battlefield's Shinobi! Sacrificing himself in order to Shinobi obligation ...!!"

"Of course, I'll be going as decoys ... you ... then
you will of a young Fire ", which protects the village"

Danza: "No way!" You're Hokage! Shinobi is not above the village for you! "

"Danzig. You're always up to something in competition with the Monkey, the right ...
But in this place, it's you two to work together
comrades. Put aside your own battles, HM "

Danza show-down: "..."

¹ Kinkaku (金 角 icon means "Golden Horn." It is apparently the name of a famous character in the story "Journey to the West."

Part 2

It is true that you were slow to decide. First, you have yourself
There is no question that you do not have a calm mind, but you do not know
itself. At this rate, you can jeopardize comrades. In any case ...
Danzou ... Shoe .... you need not be impatient. The time comes.
When it arrives, to give everyone who you are.

Nidaime stood up.

Saru ... To love and protect the village and raise those who believe
you. The future is able to hand over personal ... From tomorrow onwards,
You ... Hokage ...!!

Danzou's face PALET ...

Hiruzen: Yes, sir!

Danzou's regretful thoughts: You are always one step ahead of me ...

The end of the memory image.

Danzou removed at the top and the robe can be seen that his whole body was covered with seals.

Danzou: For Shinobi World, Konoha, I will not let you live!

Madara: This is the opposite of Shishou fuuin Jutsu!

Madara: Sasuke! Out of Danzou!

Danzou blood? Implications for the whole

Danzou thoughts: Hiruzen ... It's my turn ... but it seems ... Finally ... I have not become Hokage ...

Danzou blood? Spherical shapes took. Danzou them together as a ball in the middle.

Thoughts: No matter where I go, I can never be you ... you
leaves of the tree are the bath of sunlight, when I'm
hidden in the darkness. What do you think of me? Hello Hiruzen ... What I am
I do for you ...

Young Hiruzen image Danzou and happy chatting.

Sakura team was running.

Lee: Sakura san ...

Sakura: What is it?

Lee: Do you not think that it is better to tell the truth Naruto WHEN?

Sakura: ... I can not tell him that ... Absolutely not.

Kiba: Sakura ... I think you're putting down too much Naruto ...

Sakura: ...

Kiba Smells something.

Kiba: I found Sasuke. Tobi is also close.

Sakura: all stop for a moment!

Sai: ...

Kiba: What's the matter, why have we stopped? We are ready to checking the configurations we have already!

Sakura His cloak made of something.

Sakura: Kiba ... If Sasuke is in the exact location?

Kiba: 2 o'clock the north ... 1 km in front!

Sakura held the bomb in bed in his left hand ~ ~ ~


Sakura's hand got caught.

Sai: I know that ... you have to beat us all out.

Sakura: Sai ...!

Part 3

Kiba: Huh? "

Akamaru: Woof Woof

Lee: What's the matter?

Sakura seemed depressed. "..."

Sai took the bomb from sleep-inducing Sakura "Sakura Sasuke will stand on its own.

Kiba: why ... Do you want to do this alone?

Lee: Yeah, everyone here, and I promised to do this!

Sakura: ...

Sai: Well .. Do not do this ... I do not let anyone get out of here.

Sakura: Why? "

Kiba: This guy ... because I thought, "Smells suspicious?

Sai: All alone we can not win Sasuke ... Tobi around, no less. Kakashi sensei "We have promised not to go.

Sakura Gropa something (in his bag).

Sakura: Sai ... I will not repeat myself ... ... Step aside!

* * Now, attention moves to another Sai. He is running on Kakashi.

Sai: I'm in a hurry ... The situation is becoming bad.

Danzou treated in accordance with the blood on the floor.

Located on a small spot on,

Sealing technique that seals it all their own Corpse ...
It is activated when one death. What is a dangerous technology ...

Naruto: Next ... Thurs Konoha.

Burial Sasuke Danzou!

Next revenge ..!
