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Naruto Chapter 481 Spoilers : Danzou Dies

481: Danzou Dies

Part 1

The lid is a young Mitokado Homura, Hiruzen Sarutobi, Koharu Utatane, Akimichi Torifu, Shimura Danza, and Kagami Uchiha

Memories are ressurected, comrades, who fought for the duty Hokage ... Shinobi Danza time of death.

Sasuke ... Karin pierced!

Madara: (It seems you do not hit time to ingest the Izanagi Danzōicon ...

Karin (Sasuke. you ... ..) \"I. ..\"

Sasuke, \"Karin ...\" When You were taken hostage, you embellish a burden \"

Karin collapse

Danza walks a bit, but then drops to his knees

Madara: \"I'll be taking in the eyes of Shisui ago\"

Danza Thinks back to the task, when he was young

\"We are in the middle is a twenty-five ... Enemies ... .... Their ability to
follow us, I'd say ... Kumogakure ... Skilled Kinkaku Force ¹?

Homura: \"Counting Nidaime-sama, we hit seven. ... This is intense ...\"

\"The enemy is not yet clear to us is located. We could ambush them here.
If we take them as a surprise, we could create out of the ... \"

\"Impossible ... so in this case, we hit no other choice than to send
someone to create addiction and to attract their attention ... \"

Torifu: \"... decoys ...? Who would hit ...\"

Nidaime: \"...\"

(I'm Shinobi Shinobi ... Like, I should be okay and deaths
Battlefield ...! Sarutobi ... What are you intellection correct now? Are you
prepared for this ...?)

Danza trembles

Danza: (Say it! \"Say it! I. .. Why?\" Why can not I say, \"I'll do it \"...?)

Hiruzen: \"I'll do it\"

Everyone: \"!!?\"

Akimichi, \"Sarutobi ...\"

Homura \"Hiruzen ... You ...\"

Danza: \"...\" (His tremor subsides)

\"Heh!\" Do not worry! Even if you're hunting at me same that, I can still
Brag that I am the best of you every ... I am not going to die '

Danza (Dammit. .. I'm weak ... what I think is ...? \"Right now, I was relieved ...)

Danza balls in his fists

Hiruzen: \"You'll Owe Me One, after every this. Danzon, your case\"

Danza: \"Shut up!\" I hit to improve my hand! \"I will not permit you be the only cool one! I'll be tempted to birds!\"

Hiruzen \"Danza ...\"

Danza: \"Both my father and my grandfather died of Battlefield's Shinobi! Sacrificing himself in order to Shinobi obligation ...!!\"

\"Of course, I'll be going as decoys ... you ... then
you will of a young Fire \", which protects the village\"

Danza: \"No way!\" You're Hokage! Shinobi is not above the village for you! \"

\"Danzig. You're ever up to something in competition with the Monkey, the correct ...
But in this place, it's you two to work together
comrades. Put aside your possess battles, HM \"

Danza show-down: \"...\"

¹ Kinkaku (金 角 picture effectuation \"Golden Horn.\" It is ostensibly the name of a famous character in the story \"Journey to the West.\"