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Which Girls Would Naruto End Up With..(Naruto)

It's always amazing to wager how such people can get riled up over Naruto's fuck life. Indeed, Naruto's fuck life is the subject of some debates and burning wars in the internet. Either way, we can't deny the fact that the whole 'romance' aspect of the copal makes it more interesting. And, since Naruto's the important case he has to end up with someone, right?

There are two girls in the program who posses the existence of ending up with Naruto. Unless, the communicator Kishimoto throws in a newborn female case onto the mix.

Haruno Sakura

Sakura is and has always been Naruto's crush, even from the beginning of the series. Although she is Naruto's teammate but she wasn't not necessarily his friend at the beginning of team Kakashi. In fact, Sakura displayed a lot of hostility towards Naruto in the beginning of the series, owing perhaps to Naruto's reputation as the academy's 'deadlast'. However, she warms up to him as the program progresses and starts to tending for him as a friend. Sure, if you look at it this way, these two seem same they're headed for the blessed matrimony. Naruto's the important phallic case and Sakura's the important female case and they would probably end up together, right? Wrong. Things aren't that simple.

Ir'a given fact that Naruto has a crush on Sakura, but Sakura is in fuck with Sasuke instead; Naruto's direct rival. He is everything he is not since start. As a genius, Sasuke is also good looking, and coercive without even trying. Sasuke does not blatantly convey her affections but there are little clues in the program where you'll wager that these two; Sakura and Sasuke definitely have something together. In fact, Sakura and Sasuke's relation is digit of the most romantically developed in the copal what with the hug in the forest of death where it is only through Sakura's hug that Sasuke, possessed by the cursed seal, comes to his senses. There's also Sasuke's acknowledgement that Sakura is digit of his 'precious persons'. And then there's this huge matter of Sakura's confession of love, true 'I'll-sacrifice-everything-for-you' love. And though Sasuke knocked her out, he does leave her with a thank you which is enigmatic and poignant.

Until now, even with Sasuke's defection, he is ease the biggest hindrance to any existence of Naruto and Sakura getting together since Sakura obviously ease loves Sasuke and there are always these tiny clues that he might fuck her back. All it takes for them to get together is for Sasuke to finish with his goals and have time to 'restore his clan'.

And though Sakura is warming up to Naruto, it mostly seems same friendship and not 'romance'. Sakura loves Naruto but only as a friend it seems same moving forth even at Naruto Shippuden. All of Naruto's advances seems to change as Sakura rejected him softly without such emotion.

Hyuuga Hinata

Then there's Hinata. Hinata is a shy girl who, unlike all the other academy girls, had a crush on Naruto since the very beginning. She never looked down on Naruto although she is artefact smarter then Naruto. On the contrary, the crush she has on Naruto is so huge that she faints whenever she's on a close proximity to Naruto.

Unbeknownst to Naruto, she is digit of the first people who have ever acknowledged him besides Sasuke. Hinata admires him for his courage, strength, determination, and confidence. These are qualities completely opposite of her that she lacks greatly of. Naruto inspires her to be more than she is and it always pushes Hinata to be a better person

Naruto and Hinata have their moments. The most important digit is probably the 'blood oath'. And all throughout the anime, Kishimoto inserts fluffy Naruhina scenes, especially in Shippuden. In my opinion, all it takes for them to get together is a confession of some sort such as Hinata finally gathering sufficiency courage (which fits well with her theme) to achievement up to Naruto and tell him she loves him.

My verdict: Naruto will probably end up with Hinata and Sasuke will end up with Sakura.

Henry Hsieh has binary interests and he enjoys talking about them. As a follower of anime, he likes to watch Naruto, discuss them in Naruto Forums, and listen to Naruto Mp3 at tailedfox the best Naruto site with the newest Naruto Shippuden Episodes discover first.