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Naruto Manga Spoilers (raw editions 2010 predition)

One Piece 572 (English) is up!

Naruto 480: Sacrifice
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Please read:
Kishimoto Jump Interview: SPOILERS FOR 2010!!

Please read:
Kishimoto Jump Interview: SPOILERS FOR 2010!!

Naruto 480 Summary:

Front cover is of Sasuke. Back is of Sasuke's Susano'o.

If you close your eyes, hatred module always be there. Like an apparition, it module expand.

480 犠牲
Chapter 480: Sacrifice

Simultaneously striking digit another...but is Danzou's embody added illusion...!?
Madara (Sasuke's power...this much huh?)
Karin (...!?)

Sasuke cut by Danzou: Ugh...
Danzou, cut by Sasuke: Too fast...eyes are ease module be feat to see Itachi, and perhaps it would be beatific of you to receive some of his preaching...this is my win.

Karin (What's feat on!? ...this feeling is...!)

Danzou: !!?
Sasuke looking downward: Haha
Danzou: ...what's...the meaning of this!? (Guh! ...why won't Izanagi start up!!?)
Sasuke's correct receptor has Mangekyou activated.

Madara ('s as you said -- the instance Itachi could freely manipulate his genjutsu and Tsukiyomi -- the difference is same between the heavens and earth...)
Danzou's earth of vision is blurred. His correct arm's eyes are closed.

Danzou: You...
Sasuke: The digit gathering Itachi module be you...

Danzou falls to his knees.
Karin (As thought, it's as I sensed. It was in fact Danzou's actual body!)

Madara (...Although it isn't as strong, it was pivotal of him to ingest that genjutsu at that time...)
Danzou looks to be in a lot of pain.

Madara (Right before his embody was pierced, the sharingan in his correct arm every closed. Sasuke is of the Uchiha clan...and a shinobi possessing the Mangekyou...but Danzou with his observing eye...he is above you. In an instant he was faster than you in noticing...Sasuke cast a genjutsu on you, making you conceive that your terminal receptor on your correct arm was ease open. You used Izanagi on yourself without fulling knowing its effective time, checking it over and over to see if it was in effect. Sasuke didn't miss that. Izanagi's instance of effectiveness has a small interval in between each use. Although he pretended to know the degree to which that was, he knew early that even in an instant he would be healthy to cast a genjutsu. Don't ingest that, that's not Sasuke.)

Danzou's checks his correct shoulder:
Madara: You were naiive in this battle of Sharingan because of every those Sharingan you've acquired...that's the reason for your loss.

Sasuke: My eyes module verify you how this fisticuffs module go. Don't gauge the Uchiha.

Madara (Even without existence healthy to ingest Shisui's eye, Danzou did a beatific job of driving it this far....Sasuke, it seems same you'll soon be healthy to verify Shisui's eyes for yourself. Root should hit stayed hidden in the ground.)

Sasuke is most to collapse patch Karin rushes over: Sasuke...!
Sasuke: Ku..ku...
Karin brings discover her mitt arm: Here! Bite quickly!!

Madara: That was beatific to bring her here...she's useful, and Sasuke specifically chose her as his favorite...

Sasuke biting.
Karin: Ahh...!

Danzou (I...! To this little...!! I module not die in a place same this!!!)

Suddenly Danzou's correct arm starts to embellish a tree.
Danzou: Guahhh!!!
Sasuke and Karin: !!?

Danzou (I won't allow it!! At this rate I'll be condemned over by the Shodai's cells.)
Danzou takes his correct shoulder with his correct arm.
Madara (Facing death, he's losing curb over his chakra...he won't be healthy to easily curb the capableness of the pillars...)

Danzou, in front of Karin and Sasuke.
Karin: How persistent...this is some guy...!

Danzou takes the bandages soured his correct eye.
Danzou: Not yet...from here on out...with this eye...I module verify you how this fisticuffs module end.

Madara (The pupil in his correct receptor has returned huh...he covered with Izanagi patch allowing Shisui's receptor to recover in the mean that was your play huh...)

Sasuke uses Chidori in his mitt hand, and thrusts at Danzou.
Danzou dodges, and takes Karin hostage.

Madara (Shisui's seems he plans to ingest it up as he did with Izanagi.)

Sasuke glares at Danzou.
Danzou: You've used your receptor too much huh.
Karin: Sasuke...

Danzou (Sasuke can't ingest it anymore...if I can ingest Shisui's genjutsu to curb him and intend him to go after Madara, it would be more effecient considering the depth of these wounds.)
Madara (So then...Sasuke...what module you do?)

Sasuke: You who talked of verify a hostage.

Danzou: life...I'm not was for Konoha...for the ninja world...I won't allow myself to die in a place same concern whose hands...whatever I hit to live...I will...this shinobi' embellish the reformer to change the world...this woman module be a kill for that purpose.
Karin: me!

Sasuke: Don't move...Karin.
Danzou: ...!

Sasuke activates Mangekyou in his mitt eye...with a scary face.

Sasuke uses a Chidori spear and stabs Karin along with Danzou.
Danzou's backwards is cut through.

Karin (Huh...)
Danzou: Guh...! (...the organ of the hostage...)
Madara, smiling with his eyes: So its come to this...

Sasuke: Brother...this is the first...

Karin and achieving revenge!!
Sasuke, towards the darkness of reality...!!

The End.

While inactivity for the Raw Spoiler Pics please read:
Kishimoto Jump Interview: SPOILERS FOR 2010!!

Just flipped through it

The fisticuffs is Sasuke's win

Somehow Shisui's receptor returns backwards to Danzou

and Karin gets condemned hostage

Sasuke uses Chidori Nagashi on Karin [and Danzou]

Pierced in his vitals, Danzou time.

Still haven't read it except for flipping through it but

there's a closeup of Sasuke there, but he has a scary look

最後にサスケ『兄さん… まずは一人目だ…』
The terminal thing is Sasuke going: \"Brother...he's the first one...\"

ends with that. Older bro's already in pain [tn note: that's ohana's comment]

What's that shine advise of Sasuke that he uses from his sword?

He uses that to intend Karin [and Danzou]

Since it's penetrating Danzou from the back, it gets Karin too

It's up in the air whether she's dead or alive

Text for incoming week is

Karin along with his revenge!

In genuine darkness, Sasuke...!

since it ends with that, no nonachievement that Karin's pierced

It's gotten pretty interesting

What happened to Sasuke

I'll go catch it by reading carefully♪
Featured Contributor of the Week: PHANTOM
Dorset, UK
by: State of Naruto

Naruto 480: Day Dream

Madara: looks same Sasuke forfeited count of the number of sharingan's Danzo had unstoppered (the terminal sharingan on his arm closes, the receptor in his hand is still open)

Sasuke dropping to digit knee, sh*it (coughing up blood) from the mortal wound to his kidney
Danzo (serious countenance on his face) : not exclusive did you forget my hand base sharingan, you seem to hit forgotten that twine beat lightning, did you think that kusanagi brand jutsu would be enough ? idiot you insult me, DIE !!!!!! Danzo uses the twine brand to attack straight for sasuke's for head

In the behave of disagreeable to blackball sasuke Danzo has a (Flash back) to the period of the modification of the Third hokage
Danzo&The ordinal hokage: meet on a agency known to exclusive the community leaders, unexpectedly there eye's meet and they pass without a word along with the pure moment but than the ordinal hokage says something to Danzo he never forgot

Third hokage: i undergo about your emotion of modification Danzo, meet remember digit period your chronicle module flash before your eye's, make sure its worth watching
(End of back)

Danzo: sorry but not today, I module be seeing no sideshow of my chronicle on this day
the brand hits Sasuke head on cutting him in half
Karin (disbelief countenance on her face) Sasuke !!!!!
Madara: hehe

Sasuke (appears behind Danzo) Sasuke: period dreaming in your world of izanagi i see, you couldn't tell i used a simple replace technique
Danzo: it doesn't mean anything in the shape you are in
Sasuke: starts dropping in and discover of cosciousness

Madara; looks same the storys about Danzo's emotion of modification are real after all, but emotion of modification or not, Sasuke module be departed in a minute or digit from the great mass of blood forfeited if that girl doesn't ameliorate him

Danzo rushes towards Sasuke Danzo: Damn it I exclusive hit 30 seconds than my izanagi jutsu concludes
Madara uses space time beating Danzo to Sasuke a current absorbs Sasuke into Madara's mask than Teleport likewise Karin

Danzo: i dont think so making a 10 sign hand sign from Danzo's mouth comes a great tornado, hmm my izanagi is over the terminal receptor closes
Madara: its to big for me to absorb, Danzo uses the quantity to case a genjutsu on Karin, Madara, Karin and Sasuke teleports away discover of the path of the tornado

Team Sakura exclusive 3 miles away from the battlefield
Lee: romance countenance at the size of that tornado
Kaba: correct not exclusive the cocain but Sasuke odor is departed ahead
Sakura: its a fight !!! Sakura (thinking) what is he doing now
Lee: substantially what whatever we better hurry
Madara: Karin hurry up and ameliorate Sasuke, than Madara realizes Karin is low the impact of a genjutsu he tryst to release it but to no ingest Karin's body nervous system has shut down
The cocain disappears leaving a path of destruction, Danzo has disappeared with the dust

Madara: damn that Danzo that cocain ninjutsu was meet digit big amusement from him to make his great escape i module deal with him later first Sasuke
Madara: gives Sasuke first aid to buy sometime this module not terminal long he need earnest medical tending and fast

Danzo: looks same the plan worked Madara is not teleporting after me, for now i need to encounter kabuto so i can refill my arm with sharingan and be healthy to ingest izanagi again
team Sakura finally makes it to the scene
to encounter a unconscious Sasuke and Karin
Sakura: what happen here !!!
Kaba: Sasuke pretty beat up staleness hit been a pure fight

this is a PREDICTION not a SPOILER

Madara: (thinking Sakura Haruno, meet my luck) Madara you guys here to spend Sasuke and take him back to the leaf correct ?
Sakura; what the hell happen to Sasuke,

Lee: (thinking) i wish Sakura seeing Sasuke same this doesn't make her forget ground we are here
Madara: Sasuke was in a effort with Danzo to revage his clan, but that's a long story, Sasuke been fatally wounded and needs medical seriously or he module expire looking straight into the eye's of Sakura

Kaba: what the hell are you disagreeable to vantage the leaf community made a decision to blackball Sasuke and now hes about to expire thats the prizewinning news ever !!!!!!
Madara: thats the leaf's decision a ? i would same to here Sakura's decision.
Sakura is completely speechless

Lee: whats criminal Sakura you were so sure a few transactions ago
Madara: me and Sasuke dont hit time for this you need help making your decision here it is, think what module Naruto think of you if you meet watched Saske beet his modification without agitated a muscle to try and help him
Sakura's heart drops
Madara: its your decision to permit Sasuke live or to permit him die


Naruto 481: To Let Live or To Let Die
by: Phantom

Naruto 480: A Plan Long in the Making

****Inside Naruto****

Naruto tardily woke up to the noise of flowing water, a modify creeped soured the tube and
fell construction on Naruto's lineament feat him to wake with a start, but something stopped him,
a strong arm.

\"Naruto-kun, I am compassionate it has come to this\" Said the vocalise as Naruto tardily opened his eyes
and saw Itachi, he instinctively tried to vantage back, but Itachi stopped him, with a look
that he intellection he would never wager from the individualist who on a number of occasions tried
to blackball him...Despair.

\"Itachi? How did I intend here, more importantly, how did you intend here??\" Asked Naruto trying to
calm himself down.

\"Remember that instance we met in the forest, when you stated firmly you would save my little
brother from darkness, at that instance I implanted part of myself in you, in case there was
the slight possibility that you would retrograde wish in saving my brother\" Said Itachi calmly.

\"So, he has come back, good, digit added item we requirement before we crapper begin, greeting son\"
Said Minato with a smile.

\"Dad, but I thought?\" Said Naruto today more stunned then shocked.

\"A beatific ninja is same a beatific magician, he ever hit more than digit ace up his sleeve\" Said Minato
with a grin.

\"What is feat on?\" Asked a potty Naruto.

\"Just watch\" Said Itachi with a grin which unnerved Naruto as he watched his ascendant do
the familiar assistance signs of Boar-Dog-Monkey-Ram....Kuchiyose no Jutsu, as the smoke cleared.
Naruto saw to his surprise a half-toad, half-scroll coloured in a similar fashion to his own

Naruto was not amused, he realised he today worn the same colours as a toad but instead of
losing it as he ordinarily would, instead he smiled.

\"Naruto?\" Asked Itachi potty on connector Konoha's number digit knuckleheaded ninja was smiling.

\"Just remembering something that happened during the invasion by the Sound and the Sand ninjas,
Pakkun was leading us towards Sasuke and Gaara and Pakkun started up a conversation in regard
to hair products with Sakura\" Said Naruto with a grin.

Minato laughed \"Pakkun, has not changed it a bit, is he still saying that his palms are soft and
tries to intend grouping to touch them?\" Asked Minato calmly.

\"How do you undergo that dad?\" Asked Naruto confused.

\"Have you ever wondered who drilled your sensei, Kakashi Hatake, my son it was I\" Said Minato proudly.

\"Oh yeah, I forgot\" Said Naruto his assistance rubbing the backwards of his neck, where he heard someone clear their throat.

\"Excuse me, not that I don't mind the family intend together, but I was wondering connector I was summoned to this place, by digit people
who by every accounts should be dead?\" Asked the Scroll toad.

\"Gerotora, surely you hit not forgotten me?\" Asked Minato calmly.

\"Of course, I hit not forgotten you, same ascendant same son in more structure than one, today I am not likewise happy most this, I presume, you wish
to teach Naruto \"that\" jutsu\" Said Gerotora sternly.

\"Yes, we hit no choice, if exclusive we had more time, then we would hit been on more of a certain footing, but with Madara teaming up with Sasuke and battling
Danzo it module exclusive be a concern of instance before Sasuke module nous towards the community and that is connector I hit summoned you here Naruto, to teach you another
jutsu of which I was unable to rank and which would embellish when it is finished your kenkai-Genkai, a jutsu, which those with sharingan eyes module be unable
to copy\" Said Minato sternly.

\"I wager connector you are here father, but connector is Itachi?\" Asked Naruto concerned.

\"Still don't trust me Naruto-kun, understandable, in gist I am a triple agent\" Said Itachi without emotion.

\"Triple, I'm getting a headache\" Said Naruto rubbing his forehead.

\"I was appointed by my clan to watch the community and then I was appointed by Danzou to watch my clan, but I was ordered by the Yondaime your father, to do every that I could to save you from Danzou and Madara, you wager at the time
I was appointed by your ascendant to watch Danzou, amass information and erst we had enough, we were feat to inform Danzou to the elders, but he prefabricated the prototypal move, summoning the Nine-Tails before we could do anything and your ascendant died,
so that I did not break my cover, I slaughter my clan, became a missing nin and died in conflict with my younger brother, every to protect Sasuke, you and the village\" Said Itachi calmly.

this is a PREDICTION not a SPOILER

\"But why?\" Asked Naruto suprised by the revelation.

\"I am same you, I wanted to stop the cycle of hatred, but I became trapped in the machinations of others and lost my way, this is my chance for redemption and I am the exclusive digit who crapper keep the Nine-Tails low control, albeit partially
with the support of another\" Said Itachi as Naruto heard footsteps.

The amount went time the surround and into the light, she was a woman with flushed hair and extremely beautiful.

\"Hello Naruto, I am Kushina Uzumaki, your mother\" Said Kushina with a smile.

\"My mother!!??\" Said Naruto shocked with his eyes almost bulging discover of their sockets.

Next Issue: A New Power, Revelations and A Will Reinvigorated!!!
by: The Special One

Naruto 480: The Victory!

(Madara gazes at the digit seemingly impaled shinobi.)

Madara (in thought): Sasuke took the expiration but avoided a alive by letting the steel braise him… But, Sasuke wasn’t thorough enough… There was still digit awakened sharingan on Danzou’s hand. (Madara remembers backwards to terminal chapter. Right before Danzou and Sasuke clashed, the receptor on Danzou’s assistance was still clearly open, the scene switches to Karin.)

Karin: SASUKE! (The Scene switches to the battle. Sasuke grunts as Danzou water to the ground. Sasuke clinches the mitt lateral of his modify embody as he slouches. Sasuke also withdraws his Mangekyou sharingan.)

Sasuke in thought: He’s still discover there somewhere. (The corpse of Danzou vanishes. Soon Danzou resurfaces in backwards of Sasuke. The scene switches over to Karin.)

Karin: BEHIND YOU SASUKE! He meet might be the terminal one… (The Scene switches over to the battle. As Danzou prepares to stick Sasuke with a straight punch, Danzou goes into thought.)

Danzou (in thought): I already used sufficiency chakra in this battle… To secure victory, I hit to settle it with fists… (Sasuke quickly turns around and slips his nous quickly. In digit hurried motion, Sasuke jumps up and kicks Danzou however, Danzou quickly guards himself by crossing his blazonry in an x and blocking the attack. Danzou then pushes soured by breaking his possess guard.

Sasuke flies backwards and slides crossways the ground. Danzou rushes forward. As Danzou gets closer to Sasuke, Sasuke balances on his mitt assistance and using his momentum, he swings his legs low and nervy in order to trip Danzou; Danzou however, jumps over them and lands in backwards of Sasuke. Danzou does a backward flip with intent to land on Sasuke however, Sasuke repositions himself and jumps absent before Danzou’s feet on the ground. As Sasuke lands whatever distances as absent from Danzou, he turns to grappling Danzou, who is meters apart from Sasuke. The Scene switches over to Madara.)

Madara (in thought): They’re environment it finished taijutsu… This could intend brutal… (The Scene switches backwards to the battle.)

Danzou (In thought): His embody moves well… But, I hit experience on my side. (Danzou gets in the taijutsu stance used by Lee and Gai (right assistance forward, mitt assistance behindhand the back). Sasuke is shocked at what he sees. The Scene switches over to Karin.)

Karin: What kind of stance is that? (The Scene switches over Madara’s location.)

Madara (In thought): Gouken Ryuu, a taijutsu style originating from Konoha… It focuses on handling sever damage to the outer embody as substantially as to the bones of the opponent… It’s not surprising that he’s healthy in this form. Being a rival to Hiruzen, he must undergo and be complete in many of the jutsu Konoha possesses. But modify Danzou has his limits… (The scene switches over to the battle.)

Sasuke: That’s Lee’s taijutsu…

Danzou: Yes, you are likewise from Konoha. I verify it you’ve seen this modify from the fellow villagers of Konoha. Unlike the versions you’ve seen… I’m such more skilled. (Sasuke sweats a little. Sasuke rushes forward. Danzou smirks and as Sasuke gets close, Danzou does a downward squawk however, Sasuke quickly guards with the initial set up to Leaf Shadow Dance. The ascending squawk parries Danzou’s kick.)

Sasuke: Heh… Wasn’t expecting that heh…

Danzou: Hmm… So, you've copies whatever of this before with your eyes… (The Scene switches over to Karin.)

Karin: GO SASUKE! (The Scene switches over to Madara’s location.)

Madara (in thought): I didn’t modify act that… So, he still has tricks up sleeve… (The scene switches over to the battle. The digit are still parried together.)

Danzou: Impressive, but not GOOD ENOUGH! (Immediately Danzou over powers Sasuke kick, which knocks Sasuke’s foot down. Immediately Danzou straight jabs Sasuke in the grappling with his mitt hand; Sasuke today bleeds from his nose.)

this is a PREDICTION not a SPOILER

Sasuke (in thought): I couldn’t read his mitt hand. It was kept behindhand the back… (Immediately Danzou goes on the offensive, and assistance jabs Sasuke in the stomach with his right hand. Sasuke then notices that Danzou is preparing a round squawk from the right leg, so Sasuke guards by protecting his mitt lateral by analyse guarding his mitt lateral by positioning his embody and blocking with both blazonry however, Danzou repositions and uses his mitt handicap to squawk Sasuke upside the right lateral of his nous with an exclusive crescent kick.)


(The Scene switches over to Karin.)

Karin: SASUKEEE! (The Scene switches over to the battle. Sasuke is still stunned, so Danzou takes advantage.)

Danzou: Konoha Dai Senpuu! (Using great agility, Danzou executes rapid program of spinning kicks to Sasuke’s upper, mid, and modify body. Sasuke slouches, and then Danzou uses added attack.) Konoha Gourriki Senpuu! (Danzou uses a coercive roundhouse squawk which sends Sasuke flying. The Scene switches over to Karin.)

Karin: Sasuke… (She water to her knees. The scene switches over to Madara.)

Madara:….. (The Scene switches over to the battle. Sasuke’s embody is in intense shape. Danzou casually walks to Sasuke. Danzou then does the initial ascending squawk from the Reverse Lotus, to beam Sasuke into the air. Danzou is soaring behindhand Sasuke. Danzou uses the vegetation from his right limb to modify a prison for Sasuke.

Danzou grabs the wooden prison and water to the connector with it. Before it hits, Danzou backs absent and lets somberness verify it course. Dust covers the area. The Scene switches over to Madara.)

Madara: I’ll definitely step in this time… (The Scene switches to the battle. Karin screams at the top of her lungs as the dust clears more, Sasuke is seen exclusive the initial incomplete modify of Susano-o (just the albescent bones are present). Danzou grunts as he sees this.)

Danzou: All that I poured into him … Yet, he still… (Sasuke looks at Danzou and activates Amaterasu.) So, he’s been trying to save his chakra… Nice tactic… (Danzou burns up. The scene switches over to Madara.)

Madara: Looks same I don’t hit to interact after all. (The Scene switches over to Karin.)

Karin: Sasuke… I knew he wouldn’t die. (Immediately Sasuke collapses and hits the connector as Susano-o cancels. Immediately Danzou appears again in grappling of the chakra drained Sasuke; it seems it’s not over still for Danzou. The Scene switches over to Karin.)

Karin: NoOOOOO! So he was hiding added sharingan after all… damn, damn! (Tears line from her face, the scene switches over to Madara’s location.)

Madara: I ever intellection there was something up with his right receptor socket… I’m reaching Sasuke… (The Scene switches over to Karin.)

Karin: WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO SASUKE! (The Scene switches over to Danzou’s location. Sasuke is over Danzou’s shoulder, Madara jumps into the fray and lands in grappling of Danzou.)

Madara: SO, what do you plan on doing with him?

Danzou: You hit with you, digit of the prizewinning discover of my Root organization… It’s exclusive fair that I verify Sasuke for compensation...

Madara: If it those digit things you want, I’ll give them over. I’m feat to be needing Sasuke back, so expiration him up…

Danzou: It’s not that simple… You see, without him, you aren’t such of anything…

Madara: Do you earnestly conceive you crapper simply walk away? I hit my possess abilities to prohibit this state you intend to undertake…

Danzou: And I hit such abilities to attain my exteroception of this world come true.

Madara: Don’t bluff Danzou, I undergo your power has taken a expiration in this battle… Now assistance him over, or else… (Madara gets into a striking stance.)

Danzou (in thought): I’ve fallen discover of grace with the united forces as substantially as Konoha… This kind of bargaining example is what I requirement to move up the ranks… I hit to seize the possibleness patch it’s there…

Madara: Danzou sir, what do you conceive most joining your digit underlings in the next dimension?

Next Time: What module embellish of Danzou’s shocking action?…
by: The Icon

Naruto 480: The Death OF Danzou

(Sasuke and Danzou is Both Pierced is this the actual danzou or meet added specter)
Sasuke: haaa (forcing his steel in danzou's dresser with chidori) its over danzou
Karin: shit it sasuke is finally healthy to intend to him wait a minute
Danzou: (grabbing sasuke's shoulders whats over boy) you was healthy to intend to my actual embody but this is where you die

Sasuke: (jumping backwards absent from danzou) what the hell was that i got him downbound to digit sharingan then i am trusty i got him with that chidori so how is he still standing)

Madara: i wager so thats why!!!
sasuke: (looking at danzou pulling soured his bandage soured his face)
danzou: (with exclusive the button half of his grappling viewable) so he was healthy to stop izanagi who cares most that i module promulgation my full power today that the sharingan in my receptor has recovered from submit)

Karin/Sasuke/Madara: hunting at danzou's true face
Karin: what in the world is this guy (zooms up to danzou's grappling where the bandages was. it is black and has danzou's main sharingan there is allot of stitches around the sharingan)

danzou: after this madara module hit to be dealt with whatever added instance i don't hit the chakra to fight them both but modify if i was to expire kabuto already undergo what to do with my body(danzou summons a medium same snake) abashi if i don't attain it discover of here i poverty you to verify my embody to kabuto he module hit beatific ingest for it at least that was part of the deal he and i made) shit you orochimaru connector did you hit to die.

Sasuke; what is that grappling so he modify has a sharingan in his receptor same kakashi eh sufficiency waiting its instance i end this erst and for every (sasuke hold his assistance in the air)

this is the prototypal instance i ever ingest Kirin with my possess chakra terminal instance i used it on itachi that was not every my chakra making kirin it was also itachi he helped me with it i meet didn't notice but now.
Karin: don't verify me sasuke is most to ingest that framework he couldn't curb it terminal instance if it wasn't for itachi. but he has no added choice who nows what danzou crapper do with that sharingan its meliorate to go every discover and end it now.(but still if sasuke poverty any wish of kirin he needs more chakra)

Sasuke: karin what are you doing you should intend discover of here now
Karin: sasuke verify my chakra you module requirement every of it
Sasuke: but

Karin: meet do it sasuke please this is the exclusive way you hit to
Sasuke: alright (sasuke bites karin fascinating her chakra and then she passed discover after her chakra was gone)

Madara: so she cares for sasuke allot what a noble ally (but crapper sasuke modify curb kirin physically)
Danzou: hmm

sasuke; hooch (the sky turn every black and the rain starts to pure down)
sakura/sasuke/sai/lee; (all hunting at the sky )
Lee: whats that

Sakura: what the hell that is sasuke's chakra and he is conflict someone kiba,lee,sai lets rushing and this instance i module encounter you sasuke
Kakashi/yamato/sai: whats that

kakashi: so sasuke is conflict again but who this instance Yamato sai nous for the direction of that black darken and don't permit sakura do anything discover of the mediocre i hit to stay here with naruto go (naruto is still unconscious)
Sasuke: holding kirin ( die. kirin is heading for danzou kirin is larger than terminal time)

this is a PREDICTION not a SPOILER

danzou: what a fool he would intend every that power at me without modify knowing the abilities of my sharingan oh substantially likewise intense i hit exclusive digit shot at an move same that. mangekyou sharingan (danzou's mangekyou sharingan looks same a flushed rose) with my level of chakra i can't afford any failure here it comes
sasuke; whats feat on my embody is existence controlled somehow wait a ordinal that must be the sharingan that he has power's shit it (sasuke no longer hit curb of kirin because danzou today curb sasuke

madara: sasuke you were careless you attacked without modify knowing his ability
danzou: today i module ingest you possess feel against you expire sasuke uchiha ( danzou is controlling sasuke's embody and it turns discover sasuke is aiming kirin at himself kirin strikes sasuke downbound blowing up the whole locate leaving a crevice in the ground

danzou: its over hmm (realized something was up and tardily turned around)
Sasuke:(sasuke has chidori in both hands) chidori (the prototypal chidori goes right finished danzou's dresser piercing his heart) haaa chidori (the ordinal hits danzou cutting danzou's nous off)

it ends with danzou's embody distributed from the head

Naruto 481: A Few Unexpected Guests
by: jeanericuser

Naruto 480: Final Hour Approaches

Danzo is stabbed finished the dresser patch Sasuke is stabbed finished the stomach. Danzo looks into Sasuke's eyes and drops his sword. Danzo grips sasuke with his sharingan limb and in responce Sasuke struggles to intend free. Danzo removes his bandage to expose Shisui's sharingan eye. The receptor departed changes to a mangekyo sharingan. Sasuke is shocked as the receptor seems to change into a current same configuration. Sasuke blacks out. Sasuke wakes up to encounter himself in a dark locate with exclusive himself and Danzo. Danzo looks such younger and every his bandages are gone. Danzo smiles and looks around.
Sasuke: \"What is this? This isnt tsukyama.\"
Danzo: \"It is something your brother taught me before he mitt and today as your godfather it is my occurrence today to intend you what Itachi meant for you to have.\"
Sasuke senses movement every around him. Suddenly dozens of grouping are shown close every of them. They every unstoppered their eyes to expose sharingans.
Danzo: \"Only today in this locate crapper you truly learn what your brother sacrificed so hard for you to have. Behold your destiny.\"

Sasuke wakes up to encounter Karin over his embody with tears in her eyes. Karin smiles and then hugs him patch crying.
Karin: \"Your alive! I had almost intellection in that fast you had died.\"
Sasuke: \"Danzo ......\"
Karin: \"Dead. You stabbed him before he had the chance to activate izanagi again.\"
Sasuke turns his nous to wager Madara hunting over Danzo's body. Sasuke departed hears a vocalise in his nous as if in a memory.
Voice: \"And so the vulture shall consume the departed and the beast shall live on erst more.\"
Sasuke blacks discover as Karin is hunting him in the grappling in panic.
Karin: \"Sasuke? Sasuke?!\"

A vocalise in the scene calls discover in the darkness.
Voice: \"Naruto....?\"
Slowly reddened filters in and the world brightens. Naruto looks around to wager Shikimaru, Chouji, Hinata, Ino, Tenten, Neji, Guy, Shizune, and Yamoto every stagnant by his bottom in what appears to be a attain agitate tent.
Guy: \"It is a beatific thing that Yamoto is not a fast runner. When Neji noticed your chakra was in the Atlantic we came to investigate. That is connector you are here now.\"
Yamoto: \"I hit told Guy also most what has happened in the terminal day or so. Already an additional tracker group has been dispatched to track downbound Sakura and the others.\"
Yamoto looks at Shikimaru who looks rattling embarrassed and sad.
Shikimaru: \"Listen Naruto. Im sorry. It was every my fault. I never realized Sakura would verify this on her own. I never should hit sent her in the prototypal place.\"
Naruto: \".....\"
Shizune: \"It looks same your fainting was the resulting of psychological trauma still I would prefer you got a little more rest. I conceive you every should yield now. Naruto needs his rest and should be ready to go after on.\"
The others every yield the tent patch Naruto lays there. As Naruto is most to fall assleep he hears a familiar voice.

this is a PREDICTION not a SPOILER

Gamakichi: \"Yo Naruto. You still awake?\"
Naruto tardily sits up to wager gamakichi and Fukusaku next to his bed.
Naruto: \"Hey. What brings you digit here?\"
Fukusaku: \"We hit meet been conferring with our contacts in the alliance and came to an arrangement.\"
Naruto: \"What arrangement?\"
Fukusaku: \"Instead of you existence cragfast here at Konoha low armed protect the decision has been prefabricated to hit you go backwards to Myobuzokan for an extended period of time.\"
Naruto: \"When and for how long?\"
Fukusaku: \"As presently as you feel you are ready to travel. As for how long, that depends on how things go with this war. It could be life or perhaps modify years.\"
Naruto: \"But what most everyone else. They requirement me right now.\"
Fukusaku: \"They crapper do without you for now. It is meliorate that you yield today before you embellish a burden to them.\"
Naruto: \"Alright. Give me digit day and then I module be ready to go.\"
Fukusaku: \"One day it is and then I shall convey for you. Use this day wisely Naruto drive erst you yield I crapper not verify you for certain how daylong it module be before you hit a chance to return.\"
Naruto tardily water assleep as Fukusaku and Gamakichi yield the tent.

Naruto 481: The Calm Before the Storm
by: Vengeance

Naruto 480: The Conclusion!

Danzou vs. Sasuke
Danzou thinking: Only 5 seconds left

Danzou forces his wind steel deeper into Sasuke until he cuts him in two. Danzou's final receptor closes as he takes a hurried step back.

Karin: Sasuke!!!!

Danzou looks at Madara & gets ready to go after him but departed stops.

Danzou: I can't believe you figured discover how to ingest Izanagi by simply conflict me...

Suddenly Sasuke is shown behindhand Danzou with s smile on his face.

Sasuke: 30 seconds left

Sasuke departed dashes at Danzou & Danzou turns with his assistance on his bandages & he starts to remove them but then departed stops. Out of no where Lee kicks Sasuke in the lateral of the nous sending him flying into the expose patch Kiba & Akumaru both hit Sasuke mid expose with their spinning move. Sasuke's embody appear heavily damaged.

Sai: Danzou sama are you alright!?

Sakura, Lee, & Sai move in grappling of Danzou as Sasuke gets backwards up such to everyone's surprise.

Sasuke thinking: Shit I've separate discover of time!

Sasuke water to digit articulatio as the reddened in his receptor fades.

Danzou: Sasuke is weakened blackball him Sai.

Karin jumps in grappling of Sasuke with a kunai in her hand.

Sakura thinking: Thats... thats... the same woman I walked time in that village! She's the digit who had Sasuke's scent on her?!

Madara teleports to Karin & Sasuke & teleports them discover of the area.

Danzou: They got away...

Sakura: Hokage sama connector were you...

Danzou: That's something I should be asking you 3 connector hit you mitt the village!? Everyone was low strict orders to stay in the community until after the sumit.

Lee: But we..

Danzou: I don't poverty to hear your excuses Sai create an Ink bird for me to movement on I must convey to the community immediately.

Sai: Yes sr.

Sai creates an ink bird for Danzou to ride on.

Danzou thinking: I'll deal with your betrayal after Sai but for today it is essential that I convey to the community before word gets discover most my actions at the summit.

Madara & Sasuke
Sasuke: Why did you vantage me away! I could have..

Madara: Could hit done what go completely blind & intend yourself killed? I can't believe you were stupid sufficiency to ingest that jutsu Sasuke.

Sasuke: He's the digit who..

Madara: You'll never intend your punish if you keep making careless decisions same this.

Sasuke: So how daylong until my receptor recovers anyway?

Madara: Izanagi is a jutsu that permanently seals absent the reddened in one's receptor in exchange for curb over one's self reality. For but a brief moment digit becomes truly immortal; impervious to every physical harm. Losing one's reddened is the cost of this ultimate genjutsu. This reddened never returns verify it from someone who's knows modify 80 years of experience with that jutsu.

Madara removes his mask to expose his face. As he opens his added receptor its completely white. Sasuke looks in shock.

Sasuke: &... there's no way to mend this?

Madara: There mite be digit way at least in your case... But it requires you to infuse Itachi's eyes into your own.

Madara pulls discover digit jars with Itachi's eyes.

Sasuke: I... I... don't want...

Madara: It doesn't concern if you poverty to protest against your departed brother. You requirement this power in order to exact your revenge. Take the eyes Sasuke!

Sasuke reaches discover both safekeeping as they're shaking & grabs the eyes.

Sasuke: What do I do now?

this is a PREDICTION not a SPOILER

Madara: Just conceive of your brother & locate your safekeeping with each receptor over your own. Your murder module instinctively do the best.

Sasuke does what Madara communicate of him & Itachi's eye's primer into his own. Sasuke then looks around the room in feeling was everything looks so different.

Sasuke: I crapper see.... everything!

Sasuke then looks at Madara

Sasuke thinking: So thats how his jutsu works...

Next week: Sasuke's Destiny

Naruto 479
CLICK Images to Enlarge

by: State of Naruto

Naruto 480: The Rain
Previous chapter prediction:
Naruto 479: Izagani

Sasuke: slowly water grappling to the connector (Sasuke thats it am im completely discover of chakra) has the detritus and smoke created from kirin disappears

Karin: pant, pant, hes ease aware ?

Danzo: you, didn't blackball me 3 nowadays over but you did destory digit or my three sharingan's and you completely annihilsted my ** woodland wall no jutsu**

Madara: so that's what his assistance clew was again with the *wood elements technique*, i see

Danzo: you are pretty damn brawny with your, *mangekyou sharingan* Uchiha scamp but you did every this to meet discover its not enough

Sasuke: shit, damn it every Sasuke (remembers what itachi said) your weak you don't impact enough hate and, you undergo what ? you never will
has the fall starts to move hard from the thundercloud ( Sasuke i impact failed) has he water unconscious

Madara: my, my that went substantially better than i ever throught,

Karin: what are you saying Sasuke lost, and whats more Danzo ease aware Karin (Rush's) over to essay and assist Sasuke but Danzo Uses a genjutsu by pointing his limb direct at Karin she water to connector unable to curb her muscular system, (Danzo) how annoying .

Madara: module you calm downbound this is every unconnected of my plan, today that Sasuke knows hes not brawny enough to fulfill has hatred he module exclusive long for more power until every his goal impact been achieved than and exclusive module hes soul rest in peace

Danzo: the news of Sasuke Uchiha sounds alot same Madara Uchiha, revenge, revenge, didnt you people undergo an eye for an eye module exclusive attain the full world blind I thought the Uchiha's would see the important of that because of your sharingan but its meet the opposite..

Madara: something punish is more than an eye an eye, and by the way your organisation to curb has already been taken by me, with every your abilities its pretty manifest to see what your planing
Danzo:damn it, that's meet way i ran backwards at the meeting to essay and carelessness whatever disagreement and primed my powers concealed today its every in the open

Madara: teleports besides Sasuke's ease comatose body

team Sakura

Lee: what, where did this fall come from .
Kiba: meet digit transactions past it was perfectly sunly.
Sakura: this is whatever kind of ninja a effort is up head
Kiba: anyway Sakura we are feat up against i take it you impact a plan
Sakura: i dont impact a plan
Kiba & Lee what !!!!!!!!!!
Sakura: i impact a departed 100% technique that module modify sasuke's days has a ninja Sakura pulls discover a jar
Kiba: grgrgrr whats that the smell is hideous
Sakura: its a disease i created
Lee: whatttt sakura has a disease ??
Sakura: the disease module case the cells in the eye organs to display anarchical growth, simply locate If the disease enters Sasuke's embody he module ever be healthy to open his eye's again

back to Madara &

predictions are NOT spoilers

Madara: today that I undergo your intentions I can't allow you to springy anymore Madara uses his space instance jutsu to locate his assistance into his nous than he pulls discover another mask throwing it to the ground
Danzo: what a mask ???

Madara: I call this technique *ghost clone* a ghostly same appearance forms discover of the mask the Clone crys discover a effort cry GGRRGRG !!!!!!!!

Danzo: watching the image and sees something mismatched the fall hitting the mask but passing correct throw the embody Danzo intersting, jutsu indeed

Madara: instance to intend my little creation going, Ghost image makes a assistance clew (Danzo sees this and quickly jumps back) the image call a surprising sight for the ages *Gezo maze*
Karin (almost speechless) wh what the inferno is that thing
Danzo: Gezo maze the god of conjuration am i right
Madara: thats right
Danzo: ground the requirement for the clone
Madara: thats simple Gezo maze, feeds on chronicle force in my land if i used it i would be departed in minutes, thats i ground i prefabricated this image exclusive teen and coercive ninja
can summon same Nagato at inferior they crapper terminal for years on in but sooner or later it ease kills you

Danzo: hmmm, are you comparing that image to Nagato, how pathetic that thing is disappearing and losing modify already i provide it 5 or 10 transactions before its
completely gone
Madara: anyway this little dissertation is over
Gezo Mazo release a agamid from its mouth headed staight for Danzo at broad speeds
Danzo: uses a *Earth underground deep sea adventurer no jutsu* to disppear and carelessness the Dragon, Danzo reappears hiding behind a rock
Danzo i dont impact instance for this i requirement to intend fu and torune backwards than attain my carelessness instance for my terminal technique
Madara: institute you, another dargon is release
Danzo: the head, on his limb turns into digit gigantic every black six Tome sharingan


Previous chapter prediction:
Naruto 479: Izagani

by: Numinous

Naruto 480: Danzou’s Truth

Also feature preceding chapter prediction:
Naruto 479: Momentum Shift

(Danzou Scene)
(Danzou and his guards are in front of Mei, her guards, Sakura, Lee and Kiba; Akamaru growls at Danzou)
Kiba: Akamaru! (Akamaru lowers its ears and backs off; Kiba whispers to Sakura) Danzou’s limb has eyes and a grappling on it… creepy!
Danzou: Stop staring. (Fuu gets in front of Danzou’s correct limb to avoid it being seen anymore) Who gave you permission to yield the village?
Ao: Don’t change the subject! You are accused of nous controlling the leader of the Land of Iron, Mifune, and fleeing the Summit of the Kage.
Danzou: I’m not familiar with Kirigakure’s policies, but I prioritize interior affairs over international speculations.

Sakura: (steps forward) It was me who had the idea.
Mei: But Konoha’s function with the another Great Shinobi Nations module be compromised if this situation is kept.
Danzou: Hmpf. You’re lucky I meet came from an attempt of execution of a missing-nin, or added we wouldn’t impact this unpleasant conversation.
Sakura: (thinking) Execution of a missing-nin?! He tried to blackball Sasuke-kun? (she tightens her mitt in anger)
Fuu: (whispering) Danzou-sama, Sai is behind the trees.
Danzou: I’m fully aware of that. (yelling) Sai, gratify present yourself. (Sai shows u p with a nervous smile)
Sai: I’m compassionate I deceived you, Danzou-sama.
Danzou: Don’t present yourself again with that imitation smile of yours. I’ll show what happens when you betray me. (starts to use an handseal, but Ao grabs his correct arm, whiel Kakashi, with hisSharingan, uncovered, suddenly appears and grabs his left arm)
Kakashi: It seems I prefabricated it meet in time.
Lee: Kakashi-sensei!
Sakura: What are you doing here?!
Ao: (thinking) Another freak with a Sharingan? They meet primed coming…
Mei: (thinking) He looks same the White Fang, maybe his son? He’s quite handsome..
Danzou: What is the meaning of this? Mizukage, gratify verify your guardian to backwards off. And as the Rokudaime Hokage, Hataka Kakashi, you’ll release my arm.
Ao: I don’t conceive so.
Kakashi: And you’re the performing Rokudaime. The jounin haven’t voted for the new Hokage, yet.
Danzou: Wars started for much inferior and you’re provoking me, both of you.
Torune: Danzou-sama, the Raikage and his crew are reaching this way, along with a mortal with a enormous chakra.
Danzou: It staleness be the Hachibi’s Jinchuuriki.
Kakashi: (thinking) Another Jinchuuriki?
Mei: It seems that presently enogh you’ll be outnumbered, Danzou-dono.
Ao: Then you’ll suffer the consequences of your acts.
Danzou: So be it.

(Naruto Scene)
(He’s incoming to Kyuubi’s cage)
Naruto: You again…
Kyuubi: Kukukukuku… Naruto, you ever feature you don’t requirement me, but you’re so feeble.
Naruto: …
Kyuubi: You’re pathetic. Now that you undergo what is that wretched Uchiha rattling prefabricated of, you meet move on the floor. You should be ashamed of yourself and your new “path for peace”.
Naruto: You undergo nothing! I undergo that I crapper change him! I crapper bring Sasuke backwards to who he used to be, you’ll see. And if I crapper change Sasuke, I crapper change the Shinobi world to a better one, where hatred and punish is no more.
Kyuubi: Don’t attain me laugh. Hatred and punish can’t simply be abolished.
Naruto: But…
Kyuubi: But nothing! They are part of the human nature, you’re a delude to conceive you crapper fight the rattling definition of humanity. Say, Naruto, do you even undergo what happened to your mother?
Naruto: My mother?
Kyuubi: Yes, Uzumaki Kushina. He contracted shinobi to murder her, in visit to capture me.
Naruto: (shocked) Murder… her…? Was it… Madara?
Kyuubi: I haven’t seen Madara since that day when he enslaved me in that damned Genjutsu of his. I intercommunicate of Danzou.
Naruto: D-Danzou? (with tears on his eyes) You’re lying! If that’s true, ground didn’t Danzou finish the job?!
Kyuubi: Sarutobi Hiruzen halted his organisation on instance and, for peace to remain in Konoha, he was willing to hide the death of Kushina as long as Danzou wouldn’t contact you.
Naruto: Why do you primed lying to me?! The old man wouldn’t do that, he wouldn’t hide from me my mother’s death!
Kyuubi: You exclusive discovered that you were my Jinchuuriki and who your parents were recently, wasn’t it?
Itachi: (appears among a flock of crows) The Bijuu is right.
Naruto: Itachi?
Kyuubi: Another Uchiha?! Your wretched clan haunts me to no end!
Itachi: Sacrifices staleness be prefabricated to achieve peace, Naruto.
Naruto: Sasuke won’t be sacrificed! I won’t allow it!
Itachi: You ease don’t intend it, do you? Didn’t the news of my chronicle inform you anything?
Naruto: Story of your life, do you mean…?
Itachi: Yes, Madara told you the truth.
Naruto: …

predictions are NOT spoilers

(Danzou Scene)
(Ei, his guards and Kirabi appear on the bridge)
Ao: So there’s the Jinchuuriki that was missing…
Ei: Yes. I see you caught the rat, I staleness impart you.
Danzou: …
Ao: No requirement to, Raikage-dono.
Kirabi: ♪ Sharingan everywhere, that isn’t fair, that guy with grayness hair doesn’t impact a pair, but beware, this old crook has a brightness in his shoulder, how rare, today prepare for the Enka heir, Kirabi, locate your safekeeping in the air! ♪ Yeahhhhh…
Ei: Kirabi, restrain yourself!
Kirabi: Brudda, you’re ever crushing my Enka!
Kakashi: (thinking, patch twitching his eye) Is this guy for real?
Sakura: (thinking) Are every Jinchuuriki so annoying?
Ei: So what are we waiting for? Let’s inform this old cheat whatever manners. (claps his knuckles)

Naruto 481: Lessons
Also feature preceding chapter prediction:
Naruto 479: Momentum Shift
by: Rock Lee

Naruto 480

Naruto Scene –

Naruto : who’s it??? ( Thinking : I undergo this person… I impact felt this chakra erst )

Unknown Person : We impact met before…. Haven’t we??

( The ‘Unknown Person’ comes discover of the dark )

( Woah!!! It’s Minato…. )

Naruto : What??!! FATHER!!! ( Starts streaming towards Minato)

Itachi : Welcome backwards Sensei!!!

Minato : Thank you Itachi… and hello son…

( Naruto hugs Minato and starts crying )

Minato : Son, you’ve gotten a lot stronger than we met earlier… but I staleness move with your upbringing as well

Itachi : Nice to see you again Sensei… ( Smiling )

Naruto : Why is Itachi-San is occupation you Sensei??? ( Confused )

Minato : Well, I was his Sensei from the start… We had upbringing at secret places…. And I knew that this day would come so I kept a part of mine in Itachi’s embody and the another part was in your body… and today I staleness move with your upbringing as well…

Naruto : Yes ascendant gratify move with the training….

Minato : Itachi, I module requirement a continuous supply of chakra…. Even if you break the supply once, I’ll die then and there…

Itachi : Yeah sure Sensei….

Minato : Let’s begin with it Naruto…. Now you’ll be learning Futon : Raseinkoshai No Jutsu … It’s a rattling special Jutsu Naruto… You are the prototypal ever mortal to use it…

Naruto : ( Gulp ) okay..

Minato : You mastered my Jutsu, The Rasengan and further upgraded it with Rasenshuriken…. I’m proud of you…

Itachi : ( Thinking : What is this Jutsu??!! Is it that good??? )

Naruto : Thank you Father!!!

Minato : Naruto, you learnt to modify a Rasengan with the help a azygos image and in Rasenshuriken you had to use digit clones for the chakra pressure and digit for your consciousness defense… But for performing this Jutsu you don’t impact to use whatever clone….

predictions are NOT spoilers

Naruto : Well then, it’ll be cushy then…

Minato : The Rasengan and the Rasenshuriken module be activity the most vital role for the upbringing of this Jutsu. The Rasengan and the Rasenshuriken has helped you with controlling your chakra levels rattling well. For performing the Raseinkoshai No Jutsu, you’ll impact to mix your chakra with the chakra of The Kyubi… And if the Kyubi tries to take over your embody then I and Itachi-Kun module help you controlling it.

Naruto : Yes Father!!! But how do you undergo most the Rasengan and the Rasenshuriken are learned by me already??

Minato : Naruto, I crapper see the outmost world through the eyes of the mortal I’m in. I stamped myself exclusive you and Itachi after sealing the Kyubi in you, Naruto.

Naruto : Okay… Now verify me most the Jutsu I’m feat to learn.

Minato : *Raseinkoshai No Jutsu* is supported on the same construct on which Rasengan is supported i.e. Shape Transformation. Earlier, when the Kyubi attacked Konoha, it attacked with a large amount of small ball shaped condensed chakra that is kindred to a Rasesngan but the grade of Rasengan is rattling less.

Naruto : Rasengan causes enough damage too… And this Jutsu is feat to be a rattling brawny one… But Father I don’t want destruction anymore…..

Minato : My Son, consortium me…. I also never desired Destruction to spread…. This Jutsu is basically for your consciousness defense… The Akatsuki is after you… They want you badly… You should be primed for them …

Naruto : Well then, what module I impact to do for it?

Minato : Naruto, you require a Rasengan and 4 Rasenshurikens for this Jutsu… You impact to combine every of these for this Jutsu….

Naruto and Itachi : WHAT??!!

Minato : Naruto, consortium me…

Naruto : Yes Father, I do… * Kage Bunshin No Jutsu *

( Fourteen Bunshins of Naruto and they move making a Rasengan and Four Rasenshurikens. The original Naruto goes behind and sits down, watching the Bunshins )

Two Bunshin of Naruto : Rasengan!!!

Other Bunshins of Naruto : Rasenshuriken!!!

Original Naruto : Let’s Do It!!!

( The Bunshins having the Rasenshuriken touch the Bunshin having the Rasengan. The prototypal Bunshin starts combining the Rasenshuriken to the Rasengan… He accomplishes!!! The color of the Rasengan changes to green and its size increases a taste )

( The Chakra levels of the Original Naruto are likewise low )

Minato : Good feat Naruto… ( Thinking : His chakra is draining fast…. Real Fast )

( The another Bunshin who is direction the Rasenshuriken comes to the Rasengan direction Bunshin and starts to mix up the Rasenshuriken into the Rasengan… A Brobdingnagian wind takes locate and every the Bunshins disappear. The original Naruto is discover cold )

Itachi : Will he survive it Sensei?

Minato : Yes, he would!!!

( After a minute, flame blackamoor chakra starts swirling around Naruto )

Minato : ( Sarcastically ) don’t you see something Itachi-Kun ???

Itachi : Yes, I do… it’s growing Brobdingnagian and Brobdingnagian every second…

( Naruto stands up in 3 tail modify )

Naruto : ( Shouting ) I’ll not provide up!!! * Kage Bunshin No Jutsu *

( 140 clones of Naruto defence behind him and move making Rasengans and Rasenshurikens )

Minato : Woah!!! 10X more than before!!!

Naruto’s Bunshins : We’re ready!!!

Original Naruto : Start…

( All the Bunshins move the process of combining and every of a sudden, Brobdingnagian blasts move to occur every over the locate )

Itachi : Hard Luck!!!

( All the Bunshins disappear )

Minato : ( Thinking : He’s controlling the Kyubi rattling substantially but he’ll not be healthy to Summon Gerotora now. I’ll impact to do it then )

Naruto : * Kage Bunshin No Jutsu* ( Thousands of Bunshins appear )

( All of them tried to do the process again, but again it goes futile )

Naruto : It’s not possible!!!

Minato : Naruto, attain your bunshins in a straightforward distinction and every covering toward the East. And attain the Rasengan direction Bunshin defence at the centre of it…

Naruto : Yes father.. * Kage Bunshin No Jutsu *( The Bunshins defence in the positions as told by Minato )

Minato : Well done Son… Now attain the Rasenshuriken direction Bunshins throw the Rasenshurikens at a distance of most 300m to the straightforward of the Rasengan direction Bunshin and THROW THEM ALL AT ONCE, THEY SHOULD HAVE THE SAME POINT OF COLLISION AND THE WITH THE SAME CHAKRA PROPORTIONS IN THE JUTSU!!!

Naruto : Yes Father…

( Naruto does what Minato said )

( At the saucer of collision of every the Jutsu’s, a Huge White shiny ball starts to modify )

Itachi : It’s feat substantially till now…

( Two of the Rasenshurikens combine with the Rasengan. The color of the Rasengan changes to dark brown )

( Even the ordinal Rasenshuriken gets into the Dark emancipationist luminous ball… But when the Fourth Rasenshuriken touches the luminous dark brown Rasengan, a Brobdingnagian discharge takes locate again )

Itachi : ( Thinking : Even the slug could impact exploded by this attack… what on connector is this technique feat to be??? )

Minato : Wow!!! That was rattling close… This happened because of disproportionate chakra division.

Naruto : I’m trying my best!!!

Minato : ( Thinking : It’s not doable for him to do it in the same proportions until the Kyubi is called discover ) * Sage Mode Summoning Jutsu *

( Gerotora is summoned )

Geratora : Minato-Sama!!! You’re alive!!! What a surprise!!!

Minato : Well, we module talk most this later… Please intend exclusive Naruto and unlock the Seal on the Kyubi.

Gerotora : Wha??!! Is he primed for it?? I don’t conceive so at all….

Minato : Yes, he is ready!!! Now is the instance for it… Now gratify do as I say…

Gerotora : Well then… As you feature so Minato-Sama!!! * Secret Demon Kwakuruizon No Jutsu *

( Naruto’s seal starts to glow )

Naruto : What is event to m………. WAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! ( Shouting )



by: Sensei-Q

Naruto 480: Naruto vs Danzou

Also feature Sensei-Q incoming chapter prediction
Naruto 478: A Sudden Appearance
Naruto 479: New Power, Old Friend
Naruto 480: Naruto vs Danzou

**Previously in 479:
Sasuke-Karin-Madara: (SFX) Nervous- Behind you, baka! -Danzou: !!!**

(Battle Scene)
Madara: (He's fast!)
Danzou: (will I attain it in time?)
*The full scene has the slowmotion effect*
Sasuke: (What's that..) *Sharingan sound - stares at Danzou's hands*
Danzou: -Serpant-Monkey-Dragon-
Naruto: (Got ya!) !
*The impact causes an discharge and a cloud of detritus blinds everyone*

Karin-Sasuke: ?
Madara: Hmph, (sneaky bastard..)
Danzou: *Pant* (It seems that my Kori Shinchuu no Jutsu didn't effect the Kyuubi's chakra.. I should've known..)
Naruto: (Did I impact him?)
Danzou: I was lucky to intend away with shunshin at the moment of impact. If I didn't, I would be departed correct now.
Danzou: You've betrayed the community and the Hokage. And so, you and the Kyuubi staleness die. It is for the good of the village.
Naruto: Good of the village? You are the cause of the Uchiha Massacre! You ordered Itachi to blackball Sasuke's family! It's your fault!!
Danzou: Sacrifices staleness be prefabricated in visit to maintain peace.. You don't undergo anything, brat...
-Hijutsu-*claps safekeeping together*: Shikee no Hanketsu...
*Danzou unwraps the bandages on his correct eye, revealing it bleeding and cracked*
Naruto: (AW!) My
Karin: (What is this dark chakra??? Is it Madara, or Sasuke? No...! It's the Danzou guy!)
Madara: This is likewise much for the teen boy.. He doesn't impact enough experience in controlling the Kyuubi's powers.
Time for me to step in before I retrograde the Kyuubi..
Sasuke: (What are you feat to do..)
Madara: *Bites thumb* -Kuchiyose: Ge- (!)
???: That's enough!
Sasuke-Karin-Naruto-Madara-Danzou: !?!?!?
???: Mangekyou Sharingan!
Danzou: Argh, traitor! (Shunshin no Jutsu!)
*Danzou manages to carelessness the space-time hole*
Naruto: Kakashi Sensei!
Sasuke: Kakashi..
Karin: Kakashi of the Sharingan?
Kakashi: Sorry I'm late.. Naruto, you alright?
Naruto: Yeah, I'm fine.
Madara: (Phew, am I glad he appeared.. I almost summoned it)
Danzou: *Pant* (I don't impact enough chakra left..)
Kakashi: Danzou, this is the modify of the line.
Naruto: Sensei..
Kakashi: Let's do it..
Naruto: KageBunshin no Jutsu!
Kakashi: -Monkey-Dog-Hare-Dog-Horse-
Naruto: Rasengan!
Kakashi: Raiton - Ryouken no Jutsu!
*Naruto and a Raiton dog run towards Danzou at broad speed*

Danzou: Shit!
Madara: Heh!
Naruto: Get him!
*The Raiton Dog grabs Danzou's handicap and numbs him*
Naruto: It's over! RASEN'GAN!
*Naruto pierces through Danzou with his Rasengan. But he notices something*
Naruto-Kakashi: Mud???
Karin: Kawarimi no Jutsu?
Kakashi: Damn it, he got away..
Madara: I due more from the Copy Ninja.. Your eyesight isn't as good as it used to be, eh?
Madara: Well anyway, my organisation failed. I never saw this coming. Itachi fooled me.. And so I am unnatural to appendage on my own...!
Sasuke: Naruto!!!
Madara: It is instance for you to come with me, Naruto...
Kakashi: Shit!
Naruto: ?!
*Madara hits Naruto's neck wich causes Naruto to go unconscious*
*Madara grabs Naruto and opens a portal in wich he slowly walks in*
Madara: Untill we meet again...
Kakashi: (Shit!)...'Mangekyou - Kamui!'
Kakashi: I managed to primed the portal open. Sasuke, go in and save Naruto!
Sasuke: (!)
Karin: I'll go with you!
Sasuke: No.. This is my battle. I'll bring him backwards on my own.

''Where did Madara take him to!? Will Sasuke be healthy to stop him?''
Find discover in the incoming chapter...
Next: 481 - ''Naruto!''

Also feature Sensei-Q incoming chapter prediction
Naruto 478: A Sudden Appearance
Naruto 479: New Power, Old Friend
Naruto 480: Naruto vs Danzou
by: N.V.O. (Itasuke)

Naruto 480: Mangekyo Battle and the Power of the Will of Fire

Also feature N.V.O's incoming chapter prediction
Naruto 478: Itachi Returns
Naruto 479: Arrival
Naruto 480: Mangekyo Battle and the Power of the Will of Fire
Naruto 481: Enter: 3 Mysterious New Members
Naruto 482: Sakura and Sasuke, The Will of Fire Burns!

(Battlefield Scene 1)
Madara: you're earnest most this, eh?
Itachi: -Closes his eyes- I lied alot to you Sasuke...but digit thing I said was true.
Madara: ...
Itachi: -Opens his eyes opened at Madara- I...

-Itachi Suddenly appears behind Madara with a kunai and a kick, Madara just notices-
Itachi: Am the digit that crapper surpass him.
Madara: (No nowadays to do my Jutsu! he might impact me...) -grabs Itachi's kick, as Itachi moves nervy his kunai, Madara kicks it away and lands backwards- *Pant*...Did you rattling conceive that THAT was beat Me? (He's fast...)

Itachi: didn't impact enough instance to attain your embody permeable. Heh, am I likewise alacritous for you...? or is it that your effort old and discover of shape?
Madara: Don't mock me. It'll be over before you undergo it.
Itachi: We'll see most that.

(Wind blows)
-Itachi rushes towards Madara, and does the Fire comedienne Jutsu, Madara dodges backflipping and throws a kunai tagged with a essay bomb, Itachi easily dodges the explosion, Itachi is healthy to see Madara but unclearly behind the smoke/dust. Itachi unleashes Pheonix Flower Jutsu on

Madara, then it appears that it's a subsitution Jutsu-
Itachi: ...A substit--

-Madara rises up from the ground- Madara: It's over!! -with a kunai aiming for Itachi's throat, The kunai was kicked away-
Madara: ...?!
Kakashi: Seems same this mettlesome is fun, calculate me in.
Madara: ...Fine. You digit want me to be serious. Then that's what you're gonna get.
Itachi: Amaterasu! -Amaterasu is forming on Madara's arm-
Madara: Gah! -Uses his Time/Space Jutsu to teleport- *Pant*...That did whatever damage, but--

Danzo: -Appears behind Itachi- Our effort isn't over yet.
Madara: ...!
Itachi: ...?! (How did he gain consciousness so fast...?)
Kakashi: Leave him to me. Can you take care of Madara?
Itachi: I can.
Kakashi: Right. -Kakashi & Danzo jumps in the expose and begin clashing with kunais-

(Battlefield Scene 2)
Sasuke: ...(Can I help them...?) UGH! -Places his assistance on his eye- *Pant*...*Pant*...
Sakura: ...! ...Sasuke...
Sasuke: ?
Sakura: Let me...heal you.
Sasuke: Huh? (Heal...?!)
-Sakura begins sanative Sasuke-
Sakura: So...what're you gonna do next...?
Sasuke: ...(.....)...
Sakura: This time, there's no requirement to be silent, I undergo everything there is to know, and I'm not useless as I was before.
Sasuke: ...!
Sakura: -Smiles patch her eyes closed- Really, you can--

???: Enough chit-chat.
Kiba,Sai,Lee,Sasuke,Karin,Sakura: ...!!!
Sasuke: Zetsu...

Black Zetsu: You're reaching with me, Sasuke.
Sasuke: And if I feature \"No\"?
Black Zetsu: Then I'll suck up your full chakra until I crapper drag you backwards with us.
Sasuke: Hmph. You're rattling intellection that you're healthy to beat me? I am not in the feeling for confused jokes.
Black Zetsu: Well, I won't be enough to beat you, that's true. But I got another plans.

??? # 1: Are they the ones?
??? # 2: I guess so.
??? # 3: Should we go direct with the \"Kill\"?
Everyone: ?!
Who are these mysterious new comers?! What is their purpose?
Naruto 481: Enter 3 Mysterious New Members!

Also feature N.V.O's incoming chapter prediction
Naruto 478: Itachi Returns
Naruto 479: Arrival
Naruto 480: Mangekyo Battle and the Power of the Will of Fire
Naruto 481: Enter: 3 Mysterious New Members
Naruto 482: Sakura and Sasuke, The Will of Fire Burns!
This weblog gives the updated spoilers and predictions for Naruto 480. Raw spoilers and summaries are free Tuesday period (Japan time) and several RAW Pics are free weekday period (Japan time). Read it every here!!

In the meantime, gratify feature predictions from our contributors: Numinous, TheSpecialOne, Jeanericuser, ShiverX, Woo, Ironside, Zetsu-san, Freakout and TheSixthHokage.

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TAGS: Naruto, Naruto 480, Naruto 480 Raw, Naruto Manga 480, Naruto Spoilers, Naruto Manga Spoilers, Naruto 480 Spoilers, Naruto Shippuuden, Naruto Shippuuden 480, Naruto Anime, Naruto Chapter 480, Naruto 480 Predictions, Naruto 480 Wordpress, Naruto 480 Blogspot, Naruto 480 English, Naruto 480 Confirmed Spoiler, Naruto 480 Read Online, Naruto 480 Download, Naruto 480 Onemanga, Naruto 480 Mangahelpers, Naruto 480 Spoiler Pics and Summaries, Naruto 480 Narutofan, Naruto 480 Narutocentral, Bleach, One Piece