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Shonen Jump Kishimoto Interview 2010

You can read Kishimoto interviewed by Shonen Jump and talk about Uzumaki Naruto in 2010 spoilers here

This is a Confirmed Kishimoto Interview
on what will happen in 2010:

Source: Naruto Viz
contributed by: Kisuke Lama

Part 1:

Translated from Japanese:

Sakura's acting a little haughty towards Naruto.
She'll be more Heroine-like from now on.

Well it looks this is Sakura's chance to shine. If she fail here she pretty much fails as a character.

Sasuke's becoming more and more evil and him fighting Naruto will probably be the last event.

Well it wouldn't make much sense to have it anywhere else. They will fight
but Naruto will ultimately be able to convert Sasuke back. Somehow.

Something will happen to Taka as well.

I hope it's something a bit more eventful than die.

IF Naruto should become Hokage it most likely will be in the end.

Given that's what the story is mainly about then there's not much else
to write about. Yeah there's Konohamaru but he's basically Naruto-Lite.

There's no desire to have much romance for Shikamaru.

This isn't surprising. Shikamaru's "romances" are more of a tease. Shikamaru is very likely going to end up like his dad. Married to a
woman who wears the pants in the family. Kishimoto won't ever
show us how it happened but just that if it does that it did.

Naruto will have no-one around him who's up-front with him so Shikamaru will be a Confidante.

Awesome. Sounds like Shikamaru is being set up more and more for a pretty high position once Naruto becomes Hokage

Sasuke vs Danzo will decide Sasuke's future Path.
but he (kishimoto) said he will write something big for him.

Big for who? Sasuke or Danzo? Though this fight should be interesting.

Sakura really loves Sasuke.

Well of course. That's not too difficult to figure out.

Next Year will be Kakashi's year.

Part 2:

Each Voice actor asked questions to Kishimoto.

Nakaruma asked about what was upcoming with Sakura.
Kishimoto: "Honestly, from the standpoint of showing a female-like disposition she hasnt been much of a Heroine.You could even say Hinata is more of a heroine than her.But since, as we know, Sakura is a Heroine deep inside.She'll show that side of hers from now on"

Let's hope so. We don't need any more of her emotional baggage.

Naruto's close.But Sakura loves Sasuke as we should expect from that speech.She's being haughty with Naruto using not so kind words agains Naruto.

Part 3:

Well Naruto is her friend and she doesn't want him to get hurt.
However her methods of doing so aren't very good.

Yeah its true it did sound Sugiyama once said "With a Suna Person" when Morikubo asked about Shikamaru's love life.
Kishimoto said he doesnt wanna write that for Shikamaru.

That's what fan fictions are for

Takeuchi: "Will Naruto become Hokage?"
Kishimoto: "He should become Hokage"
This had the Audience make Noise.

Notice he says "should"? Though I say Naruto BETTER become Hokage
or die trying.

Takeuchi: "Won't Sakura become Hokage before Naruto does?"
Kisimoto answered flatly: "No way!"

Nice try, Takeuchi. Nice try.

Kishimoto announced Naruto will do Training.
Takeuchi: "So Naruto will become stronger again."
Next Year Kakashi is the Main Character.

Takeuchi: "It would be a good thing not to tell this to Kazuhiko-san"
Sugiyama: "You probably can't speak of the outcome of the Danzou fight, but what happens with Taka after?"

Kishimoto: "I can't speak to what happens with the Danzou fight, but there'll be some things happening within Taka (dissent?) and the look in Sasuke's eyes will grow more and more evil. I've just recently decided on such a course of the story" (these words make it seem as if the Sasuke-related part isn't really decided upon, so take this part with a grain of salt).

Part 4:

Next was the Questions For Kishimoto-sensei Corner

Nakamura-san started off with something like, "With the latest developments, Sakura has..."
He said something like, that chick* (Takeuchi reacted to that "That chick" lol) is detestable for using Naruto's good will, but, well that's just how I'd think to write a realistic girl.
You hear all the time that Sakura is a detestable person, but that's what seems to be the intention

"Since Sakura is the heroine", "I'll be writing from now on to show her with that disposition"
"Though everyone says Hinata-Hinata all the time..."

↑I wonder if it's that their voices supporting Hinata are so loud (my personal impression)
Sugiyama wavered on which question to ask (normal fan thing)
He asked: "What will happen to Sasuke after fighting Danzou?"
"The ending of the Danzou fight will determine Sasuke's coming development (whether it be his movement or his intentions)"
"As will the course of those in Taka

It's look like, Naruto in 2010 from Chapter 480 and beyond will be more interesting, let's see ;)